万丈悬崖边,对着镜头来一张自拍(Selfie),听起来是不是很酷? 然而,今年7月23日在澳大利亚,一名19岁的美国游客为了获得一张刺激感十足的自拍,失足坠下悬崖。 为了一张吸引眼球的照片导致的悲剧还有很多。 有人在轨道旁自拍却被火车撞了: An Indian man was hit by a running train while he was trying to pull off a stunt by taking a selfie in front of the incoming vehicle. 一印度男子为了拍一张酷炫照片,在行驶而来的火车前自拍被火车撞到。 pull off a stunt:表演特技;冒险耍帅 有人想持枪拍张酷照却“擦枪走火”…… A young Man in Mexico City accidentally kills himself posing with a gun for a Facebook selfie. 墨西哥城一名年轻男子为发脸书自拍,在持枪摆拍时意外打死了自己。 Police said he didn't know the gun was loaded. He was waving it around when it accidentally went off, fatally injuring him with a bullet wound to the forehead. 警察说死者不知道枪已上膛。他在挥舞着手枪时,意外走火,子弹射中前额造成致命伤。 还有人翻船自拍,导致船体进水翻船溺水…… Selfie tragedy: 8 men on picnic drown in Vena reservoir near Nagpur. 自拍悲剧:8名男子在那格浦尔(印度中部城市)附近的维纳水库郊游时溺亡。 The accident happened when the 8 men came on one side of the boat to click selfies and videos which tilted the boat. They were so busy clicking photos and making videos on their mobile phones that they failed to see the water was entering their boat. 事故发生时,8名男子聚在船的一侧自拍、录视频,船体倾斜了,由于忙着摆弄手机录视频,他们没有注意到船已进水。 还有因自拍死于车祸的: A schoolgirl, 16, in Texas was ejected and killed in a crash seconds after taking off her seatbelt to take a selfie. 一名16岁德州女学生在车中为自拍摘下安全带,几秒后在一场车祸中被甩出车身亡。 All the other kids in the car had seat belts on and they all survived with very little injury. 其他在车中系安全带的孩子全部生还,只受了轻伤。 6年间,250余人因自拍丧命 为了减少自拍发生的意外事件,印度新德里医学研究所(All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi)对自拍意外死亡案例进行了整理和研究: From October 2011 to November 2017, there have been 259 deaths while clicking selfies in 137 incidents. 2011年10月到2017年11月期间,有137起自拍致死事件,造成259人死亡。 截止到2017年11月的数据中,自拍死亡率最高发的地区为印度、俄罗斯和美国。 “Although our study has enlisted the largest number of selfie deaths and incidents till date, this is just the tip of iceberg. Many cases are not reported.” 报道指出:“虽然我们的研究囊括了大量的自拍死亡和意外事件,但这只是冰山一角。许多的案例没有被记录在册。” 而从性别的角度讲,虽然女性爱自拍,但自拍致死的案例中男性占比较大,占到72%: “Although women generally take more selfies than men, researchers found that men were more likely to take risks, like standing at the edge of a cliff, to capture a dramatic shot. ” 研究表明,虽然女性自拍的比例要高于男性,但男性更喜欢冒险,如站在悬崖边缘自拍,以得到一张更吸睛的自拍。 美国卡耐基•梅隆大学2016年发表的文章中也对自拍导致的死亡事件做了细致的研究。他们将自拍致死称为“killfie”——自杀式自拍,并将自拍的致死原因归为以下8种: ❶交通工具相关120起 ❷溺水相关118起 ❸高度相关86起 ❹高度和溺水相关55起 ❺公路相关29起 ❻动物伤害相关16起 ❼火车相关8起 ❽武器相关4起 由统计数据可见,交通事故、溺水、高空坠落、动物伤害等是导致自拍意外发生的主要原因。 美国有线电视新闻网(cnn)报道了一些国家已采取措施减少自拍发生意外的概率。 India has more than a dozen of "no selfie zones" around the city where they want to "restrain" people to prevent further casualties. 印度有十多个“禁止自拍区”,他们希望以此来限制人们自拍,防止伤亡的进一步发生。 The high-risk areas are mostly along the city's oceanfront — a popular destination for young people armed with camera phones. 自拍死亡高风险区主要集中于城市的海滨——年轻人高举手机自拍的热门地点。 After a spate of selfie-related fatalities in 2015, police in Russia put out a brochure urging people to take "safe selfies." 2015年,随着一连串的与自拍相关的死亡,俄罗斯警察推出了一个劝导人们“安全自拍”的小册子。 The two pages guide contains infographics that warn against people, most of which are based on actual incidents. 这个两页的指南用图表信息警示人们,很多都是基于真实案例。 自拍诚可贵,生命价更高。减少自拍致死的最好方法是让自拍者意识到自拍的风险,不去尝试高难度自拍。 所以,下次举起手机自拍,可要小心一点哟。 |