日本这家公园损失16万张门票钱 只因售票员不会外语?
日本东京新宿御苑国家公园的一名售票员因不会说外语,不敢向外国游客收费,导致公园在两年半时间内损失了16万张门票钱。这名售票员一看到外国人就“害怕”,只因多年前一个外国人曾冲着他大吼大叫。 An attendant at a popular garden in the heart of Tokyo has cost the facility millions of yen because he was “too frightened” to ask foreign visitors to pay the admission fee. 东京市中心一处热门公园景点的一名售票员因“害怕”开口向外国游客收取门票费,导致公园损失数千万日元。 The attendant, who is in his early 70s, admitted failing to collect the fees for Shinjuku Gyoen national garden after an investigation was launched following a tip-off by another employee. 新宿御苑国家公园的另一名员工告发此事后,政府展开了调查,最后这位70岁出头的售票员承认自己确实没有收取门票费。 The unnamed man, who has since retired, reportedly said he had stopped collecting admission fees of 200 yen for adults and 50 yen for children in April 2014, and had continued to allow foreign visitors in free of charge for about two and a half years. 事发后这位不知名的售票员就退休了,据报道,他从2014年4月就开始停止向外国成人和小孩收取门票费,该公园的成人票是200日元(12元人民币),儿童票是50日元,而且自那以后约有两年半时间,他一直让外国游客免费进入。 As a result an estimated 160,000 people entered the garden – located a short walk from Shinjuku’s skyscrapers and the world’s busiest railway station – without paying. 由此导致的结果是,约有16万游客在此期间免费进入公园。这座公园距离新宿区的摩天大楼和全世界最繁忙的东京地铁站都很近。 The environment ministry, which manages the garden, said this week that it had lost at least 25 million yen as a result. 管理该公园的环境省大臣本周表示,因此造成的损失至少有2500万日元(154万元人民币)。 Local reports said the man told ministry investigators that being yelled at by a non-Japanese visitor years ago had made him wary of overseas guests. 当地的报道称,这名售票员告诉环境省调查员说,数年前曾有一名外国游客冲着他大吼大叫,从那以后他看到外国游客就害怕。 "I don’t speak any other languages and I got scared when a foreigner began yelling at me a long time ago,” he told ministry officials, according to SoraNews24. 据SoraNews24网站报道,他告诉环境省官员说:“我不会说外语,很久以前一个外国人冲着我吼叫,我就被吓到了。” The man handed out tickets without charging for them, then asked a colleague with access to the garden’s database to cancel the sales so there would be no discrepancy between recorded and actual revenue. 他免费向外国游客发放门票,还让一位能访问公园数据库的同事删除了售票记录,这样记录的收入数据和实际收入数据就不会有出入。 The ruse worked until late December 2016 when another member of staff witnessed him behaving strangely when issuing a ticket to a foreign visitor and alerted management. 这种不当操作一直持续到了2016年12月底,当时另一名职员目睹他在向一名外国游客发放门票时举止异样,于是就通知了管理部门。 The errant employee was docked 10% of his salary, according to the Sankei Shimbun newspaper. He asked to take retirement and offered to return half of his retirement bonus, or about 300,000 yen. 据《产经新闻》报道称,这名犯错的员工被罚减薪10%。他请求退休,并愿意拿出退休金的一半(约30万日元)来做赔偿。 |