特朗普感恩节赦免火鸡 不忘揶揄民主党
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普20日遵照白宫节日传统,在感恩节前赦免了名为“豌豆(Peas)”和“胡萝卜(Carrots)”的两只火鸡,使它们免于成为感恩节餐桌上的美食。在白宫网站举行的投票中,“豌豆”的票数较高,荣获“全国感恩节火鸡”头衔。 US President Donald Trump on Tuesday pardoned two turkeys, namely Peas and Carrots, in an annual White House tradition for the coming Thanksgiving holidays. 本周二(11月20日),美国总统唐纳德·特朗普遵照一年一度的白宫感恩节传统,赦免了名为“豌豆”和“胡萝卜”的两只火鸡。 "Thanksgiving is a time of great American traditions and today we continue a very special one when a lucky turkey gets a presidential pardon," Trump said at the pardon ceremony. 特朗普在赦免仪式上说:“感恩节是美国传统节日,今天我们将延续一项特别的传统,由总统来赦免火鸡。” 特朗普发表讲话时,拿最近中期选举有部分州需要重新计票来开玩笑,又不忘取笑民主党一番。 Trump announced that Peas beat out Carrots in an online White House poll to decide which bird would receive the pardon, but joked the process was marred by controversy. 特朗普宣布,在白宫决定哪只火鸡能得到赦免的网络投票中,“豌豆”击败了“胡萝卜”(两只火鸡最后都被赦免)但他开玩笑说,这一过程充满争议。 “The winner of this vote was conducted by a fair and open election conducted on the White House website. This was a fair election,” he said in the Rose Garden ceremony. 他在白宫玫瑰园举行的火鸡赦免仪式上说:“胜出者是通过白宫网站公平公开的‘选举’产生的。这是一次公正的‘选举’。” “Unfortunately, Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount and we are still fighting with Carrots. I will tell you we've come to a conclusion. Carrots, I'm sorry to tell you, the result did not change. It’s too bad for Carrots.” “但很不幸,‘胡萝卜’拒绝承认落败,还要求重新点票。我们还在和‘胡萝卜’斗。我可以告诉大家,我们已经得出结论。‘胡萝卜’,对不起,结果没有改变。这对你来说真是个坏消息。” “That turkey is so lucky. I've never seen such a beautiful turkey,” Mr. Trump said of Peas. 特朗普在谈到“豌豆”时说:“那只火鸡是非常幸运的,我从未见过如此漂亮的火鸡。” 在本月初举行的中期选举中,乔治亚州和佛罗里达州的民主党候选人都质疑最初的计票结果,在重新计票后才承认败选。 此外,特朗普还调侃了民主党明年成为众议院多数党后将发起一系列调查: “Even though Peas and Carrots have received a presidential pardon,” he said, “I have warned them that House Democrats are likely to issue them both subpoenas.” “尽管‘豌豆’和‘胡萝卜’都得到了总统的赦免,但我已经警告过它们,国会民主党人可能会给它们递传票。” He added: “Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that your pardons won't be enjoined by the 9th Circuit,. Always happens, they guarantee it,”Trump said. 特朗普还说:“不幸的是,我不能保证你们的赦免不会被第九巡回上诉法院禁止。这种事经常发生,他们总是这样。” 美国第九巡回上诉法院曾否决了特朗普的旅行禁令范围,允许大家庭难民成员中的祖父母以及其他一些特定范畴的难民,在不受旅行禁令限制的前提下进入美国。 Trump then said, “All joking aside. This is a time for Americans to unite together in a spirit of love, understanding and unity and joy, as one very proud American family.” 之后特朗普说:“不开玩笑了。感恩节是美国人民团聚在一起,作为自豪的美国大家庭一起庆祝的节日,洋溢着爱、理解、团结和喜悦的精神。” 图片来源:路透社 The president also talked about the recent wildfires, saying, “And we also pray for those in need, especially for our fellow citizens impacted by the devastating wildfires in California, where I just came back, I’ve never seen anything like it, probably nobody has.” 特朗普还谈到了最近的加州大火。他说:“我们还要为那些需要帮助的人们祈祷,特别是被加州毁灭性大火影响到的同胞们。我刚从加州回来,我从没见过那种景象,也许从来没人见到过。” 今年是特朗普上任以来第二次赦免火鸡,去年的赦免仪式上,他就借机调侃过奥巴马。 In 2017, the president joked that while he frequently sought to overturn many Obama-era policies via executive order, "I have been informed by the White House counsel's office that Tater and Tot's pardons cannot, under any circumstances, be revoked,” referring to the last pair of birds Obama spared from the Thanksgiving dinner table. 2017年,特朗普在赦免火鸡仪式上调侃说,尽管他经常想要通过行政命令推翻前任总统奥巴马时期的一些政策,但是“白宫律师办公室告诉我,任何情况下都不能撤销对‘薯薯’和‘球球’的赦免”。“薯薯”和“球球”是奥巴马任内最后一次赦免的两只火鸡。 按照传统,美国每年会有一家火鸡农场受邀向白宫提供两只火鸡,民众可以在网上投票选择有幸被赦免的“幸运者”。今年共有约5万网民参与投票。根据投票页面显示,两只火鸡均获得50%的选票,可见票数相差无几。 After the votes were tallied, Peas earned the honor of 2018 National Thanksgiving Turkey. 在投票结果统计完成后,白宫宣布“豌豆”获胜,荣获2018年“全国感恩节火鸡”头衔。 今年的两只火鸡来自南达科他州。在赦免仪式前,它们还“下榻”在白宫附近的Willard酒店。 根据网上的公开信息,“豌豆”重17.7公斤,爱吃爆米花,而“胡萝卜”重18.6公斤,爱听“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的音乐。 Instead of becoming Thanksgiving dinner, Trump said the birds would spend the rest of their lives at “Gobblers Rest” on the campus of Virginia Tech. 特朗普表示,被赦免的两只火鸡不会成为感恩节餐桌上的美食,而将在弗吉尼亚理工学院校园的“火鸡休憩”农场里安度余生。 在美国,每年11月的第四个星期四是传统节日感恩节,烤火鸡是感恩节的传统主菜。美国国家火鸡联合会的统计数据显示,今年感恩节期间预计人们将吃掉4500万只火鸡。 白宫自1947年开始展示获赠的感恩节火鸡,肯尼迪总统于1963年开始非正式地赦免火鸡。正式赦免火鸡的传统始于1989年,当时的总统是老布什。 |