日前,一名伙同家人盗猎了数百只鹿的美国密苏里州男子被判处服刑期间每个月看一遍迪士尼动画片《小鹿斑比》。在这部经典动画电影中,斑比的母亲遭猎人杀害,留下小鹿保护自己。 《小鹿斑比》真的能唤醒男子对动物的善心吗?谁也不知道,因为用动画片来“惩罚”犯人,还是头一次。 但是这还不算是最奇特的处罚方式,来看看下面这些: 和驴一起游街示众 Photo by Anna Kaminova on Unsplash In 2003, two teenagers from Chicago were sentenced to 45 days in jail and ordered to march through the center of their hometown with a donkey. 2003年,美国芝加哥的两名青少年被判处监禁45天并且和一头驴一起在家乡的市中心游街示众。 It's after the pair were found guilty of stealing and defacing a statue of the baby Jesus that was part of a church's Christmas Eve nativity scene. 这两人犯下的罪行是偷盗并损毁了一尊圣婴耶稣的雕像,这尊雕像被用于教堂的圣诞夜耶稣诞生演出。 Jessica Lange and Brian Patrick who were both 19-years-old at the time also had to carry a sign which said: "Sorry for the jackass offense." 当时,都是19岁的杰西卡·兰格和布莱尔·帕特里克还必须举着一个公告牌,上面写着:“对不起,我们犯的错很愚蠢”。 deface[dɪ'fes]: vt. 损伤外观,丑化 nativity[nə'tɪvəti]: n. 耶稣的诞生 jackass['dʒækæs]: n. 公驴;愚蠢的人 十年内定期去教堂做礼拜 Photo by Michael D Beckwith on Unsplash A high school student in Oklahoma was spared jail after being found guilty of first-degree manslaughter. 美国俄克拉荷马州的一名高中生在犯下一级过失杀人罪后没有被判入狱。 Tyler Alred, 17, was involved in a drink-driving accident that killed one of his friends in 2011. 17岁的泰勒·阿尔里德在2011年的酒驾事故中导致自己的一名朋友丧生。 In order to stay out of prison the teenager was told he must graduate from high school, then graduate from welding school, take drug, alcohol, and nicotine tests for a year, wear a drug and alcohol bracelet, take part in victim's impact panels, and attend church for the next ten years. 当时,法院告知这名青少年,如果不想坐牢,他就必须从高中毕业,然后从焊工学校毕业,在一年内接受毒品、酒精和尼古丁测试,戴毒品和酒精检测手环,参加受害人亲友创伤座谈会,并在之后的十年定期去教堂做礼拜。 manslaughter['mænslɔtɚ]: n. 杀人;过失杀人;一般杀人罪 自谋生路 A man from Andalusia, in the south of Spain, took his parents to court after they stopped his pocket money. 西班牙南部安达卢西亚的一名男子在父母停止给他零花钱后把父母告上了法庭。 The 25-year-old was demanding £355 a month from his mum and dad. 这名25岁的男子要求父母每月给他355英镑(3088元人民币)。 Instead, the judge at a family court in Malaga ruled that he'd have to leave his parents' house within 30 days and learn to stand on his own two feet. 然而,马拉加家事法庭的法官做出的判决是,该男子必须在30天内搬离父母的房子,并学会自谋生路。 听古典音乐 Photo by Manuel Nägeli on Unsplash In 2008, Andrew Vactor was facing a fine of £120 for playing music too loud in his car - his music of choice was rap. 2008年,安德鲁·瓦克特因为在车中大声播放音乐而面临120英镑的罚金——他所播放的音乐是饶舌乐。 The judge offered to reduce the fine to £30 if he spent 20 hours listening to classical music by Beethoven, Bach and Chopin. 法官提出将罚款降到30英镑,条件是他必须花20小时听贝多芬、巴赫和肖邦的古典音乐。 Judge Susan Fornof-Lippencott wanted Vactor to know how it felt to listen to music that he didn't enjoy. 法官苏珊·佛尔诺夫-里本科特希望瓦克特意识到,听自己不喜欢的音乐是什么感觉。 Vactor only lasted 15 minutes listening to the music although he said he left because he didn't want to miss basketball practice. 然而,瓦科特只听了15分钟古典音乐就走人了,不过他说他离开是因为不想错过篮球训练。 |