1. Listen to yourself speak Record yourself in a natural conversation; for example, replay a conference call or have a friend interview you on tape. Listen for technical issues, such as filler words, up talk, monotone, and run-on sentences, as well as any habits that sound awkward or uncomfortable. Identifying the problem is the first step toward tackling it. 2. Monitor your speed Aim for about 155 to 175 words per minute for normal conversation. If you’re reciting background information or summarizing something, pick up the pace. If you’re explaining something more technical, slow it down. 3. Eliminate filler words If you’re wondering how to be more articulate, it’s probably because you’ve caught yourself over-utilizing words such as “um,” “like,” and “ahh,” which can make you sound unsure and inarticulate. “Let’s move on to…”, “Another important consideration is…”, and “Let’s transition to talking about…” are great replacements. 4. Focus on the final sound Avoid trailing off or mumbling by making a conscious effort to fully pronounce each syllable. 5. study other speakers Find a radio show or podcast you enjoy, and analyze the host’s speech. He or she can help you identify effective patterns of speech. 6. Speak with confidence Speak with confidence. Extend your vocal cords by keeping your chin parallel to the floor and sitting up straight, and avoid moving your hands too much (studies show keeping them folded on the table projects trustworthiness). 7. Think before you speak Having a clear idea of what you want to say will allow you to organize your thoughts into a coherent structure. It’s that simple. 8. Address your weaknesses Once you’ve identified your weaknesses, create a plan for addressing them. One strategy is to tackle a specific issue each day. |