My advice, do whatever you can while you're young, it really does get harder as you get older, and there comes a point in your life when you stop looking forward at the possibilities of what you could be, and start looking forward at the inevitability of what will be. Nobody lives forever. Reach far, take chances, risk a lot, but always have a backup plan. You might think that nothing can harm you, but reaching for dreams that you have no chance of attaining can harm you, you can end up depressed, stuck in a rut because you can't make any progress forward, etc. It's important to reach, but also to have a plan that can actually work, idle dreams are dangerous. Things that are going to happen happen step by step, in manageable steps, they don't happen by magic, so break big goals down into steps and if you get stuck on a step for any period of time, it's time to re-evaluate what's going on and figure something else out - either to adapt and overcome, or make a realistic appraisal of the situation and decide what to do. People say never give up on your dreams, but that's unrealistic. Sometimes you outgrow your dreams, or achieve enough of them that you lose motivation to achieve the rest because the reward isn't enough for the effort, etc, so it's important to be steadfast and dogged enough to push until you reach that point, then to re-evaluate and make sure you actually want to continue on, and either recommit to your dreams, alter your plans, or be honest with yourself and choose to go in a different direction. Blind allegiance and steadfast determination can put you into a situation of fighting for things you don't really want anymore. There's a middle ground that you want to shoot for where you don't stay the party longer than is right for you, but you also aren't a flake who gives up at the first sign of trouble. Re-evaluate all the time, every year, every month, even ever week to make sure you still want what you think you want, and that you are still making progress. The most important skill is finding your way when all hope is lost. It's easy to wander in darkness without a way forward, to become depressed and despondent when your dreams don't come true, or as likely . when your dreams DO come true and they weren't everything that you had hoped. The ability to give up, in tears, crying on your bed because you have no idea what to do, throwing your hands in the air and asking the Universe for guidance is a vastly under rated skill. Sometimes the only way to find a way forward is to admit defeat, to surrender yourself to the fact that you're just a person and that you don't know what is going on most of the time, and cry a lot until you feel better and find new direction. Be honest with yourself about your motivations – are you really doing something for yourself to become a better, more capable person, to improve your situation, etc, or are you trying to impress someone ? Be careful about seeking the approval and the admiration of others, ultimately that kind of success is illusory . Treat yourself at least as good as you treat other people. Even the smallest change is important .. don't despise the day of small things. That's all I can think to say at the moment except that I love you. |