《复联4》中的终极大boss灭霸,打完毁天灭地的响指自己也深受重创,于是解甲归田隐居山林。 看过电影的观众应该注意到,影片中有一个镜头:在一片夕阳中,灭霸缓缓地在果园摘果子。 然而这样一段几秒钟的镜头竟然带火了一款神奇水果。 据统计,这款灭霸同款非洲水果,在《复联4》上映一周里就立刻被网友们全网追击,其搜索量迅速占据了各大生鲜平台第一位。 许多网店访问量呈几何倍增长,网店日均成交额增长数十倍。 对此,广大果农表示:尽管自己不认识灭霸,但真的很“感谢”他。 那么,这种水果究竟是何方神圣? 火参果又名“非洲蜜瓜”、“火参果”,英文名为“kiwano”或“horned melon”,最初起源于非洲南部,直到上个世纪才从非洲引进到世界其他地方,包括澳大利亚和新西兰。 对它的外形很感兴趣,像海参?河豚?炸弹? The name “horned melon” comes from the fruit’s unusual appearance, as the outer layer of orange or gold skin is covered in small spikes. The inside of the fruit does have the gelatinous appearance of a kiwi, but the inner layer of fruit pulp is a culinary ingredient. 金黄的外表切开后,是水分很高的绿色瓜瓤,真的很像黄瓜! 虽然是灭霸同款,但人家走的是清新路线。 值得一提的是,火参果的储水功能非常优秀,在撒哈拉以南的非洲,它可是非常难得的食品。 那这样出色的水果怎么吃呢? Upon first glance, a kiwano melon may appear far from edible. In fact, it looks like it’s more likely to be something from outer space than a fruit. 其实,火参果的果皮、果肉、种子都是可以食用的。 吃火参果最简单的方法是把它切开,直接从瓜皮上舀出果肉(slice it open and spoon the pulp directly from the rind)。 有些人加一点盐、糖或蜂蜜来增加味道。它既可以生吃,也可以煮熟吃(It may be eaten fresh or cooked)。 火参果的味道尝起来也像黄瓜: The flavor of kiwano melon is mild and slightly sweet. It tastes similar to its close relative, the cucumber. When it’s very ripe, you may be able to detect a hint of banana flavor, too. 还有很多创意吃法,试一试也不错。 If you’re feeling creative, you can add the pulp to smoothies or use it to top yogurt, granola, or an ice cream sundae. It also makes for a delicious addition to sauces and dressings. 说了这么多,小编亲测了一把。 感觉在吃味道寡淡的老黄瓜,籽多且硬,不知道是不是没买到最优质的…… 虽然火参果味道一般,但它却是一款健康食品。 这就为大家总结了“灭霸果”的几大功效,一起来看: 减肥 Considering that this fruit is more than 80% water, it has the ability to fill you up without packing on any pounds. People trying to lose weight without feeling hungry all the time often reach for a kiwano to stave off hunger pangs. The high concentration of nutrients also keeps your body nutrient-rich, even though the fruit is low in calories and fats. 抗氧化 There are high levels of alpha-tocopherol found in kiwano, which is a potent antioxidant form of vitamin E. This is very important for the health of nerves and blood vessels, while it also seeks out and neutralizes free radicals. 人的新陈代谢也像是氧化作用,即人体每天都在“生锈”,所产生的锈在医学里就叫自由基。 护眼 The significant levels of vitamin A found in kiwano make it an important booster for vision health. Vitamin A is a type of carotenoid, which acts as an antioxidant for the eye, eliminating free radicals that can cause macular degeneration, while also slowing down or preventing the development of cataracts. 促进新陈代谢 Zinc is a mineral that is often overlooked in human health, but it plays a key role in metabolism and producing protein, which is necessary for wound healing and repair of organs, tissues, blood vessels, and cells. The high content of vitamin C is a perfect complement to the zinc found in kiwano, as ascorbic acid is a key component of collagen, which is another key material in repair and growth. 延缓衰老 Between vitamin A, C, natural antioxidants, and abundant organic compounds, kiwano is wonderful for staying young, both inside and out. It is known to protect the integrity of the skin and reduce age spots and wrinkles, in addition to lessening the appearance of scars and blemishes. 这样奇特又营养的水果,你想尝尝吗? |