I'm 28(M), and for the first time in my adult life I am completely happy and at peace. 今年我28岁了,成年之后,这是第一次,我感到自己心中充满了喜悦和安宁 There were so many times I wanted to give up 曾经有那么多次,我想要放弃 but didn't out of fear of hurting other people 却并没有那样去做,因为我害怕伤害别人 or causing them problems. 或者给别人制造麻烦 But now as I sit writing this, 可是现在,当我坐在桌前写这篇文章的时候 I own my own home after years of financial mistakes, 我已经解决了多年的财政危机,买下了自己所住的房子 I have had a job for the last year and a half 过去的一年半以来,我做着自己梦寐以求的工作 that I'd kept applying for every year for seven years, 这份工作我花了七年时间才争取到,每年都在争取 and by letting go completely of my self judgement, 我放下了自己的偏见 I've found a wonderful girlfriend 有了一个非常好的女友 who is supportive , loving 她总是支持我,关爱我 and makes me feel like I can conquer the world. 她让我觉得,自己可以征服整个世界 My health is improving 我的健康状况也逐渐改善 after trying consistently to find a diet and exercise plan that works. 过去我一直在寻找一套有效的节食锻炼方案 I have a little bit of debt left that is slowly being whittled down 我的债务还剩下一点儿,它正逐步缩小 and have an end plan for that being paid. 我已经有了计划,打算一举偿清所有债务 The only advice I can give to anyone who read this is 对那些正读着这篇文章的人,我能给出的唯一的建议就是 if I can do it so can you, 既然我能做到,你也一定能 persuade people to hang in there is so cliche 告诉别人坚持住,这听上去像是陈词滥调 but honestly, when you keep pushing forward 可是,说真的,当你坚持向前走的时候 and up there IS eventually a flat ground that sees all your hard work pay off. 你一定会攀上一处平坦的高地,纵览来时的路,你会发现所有的辛苦都是值得的。 |