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There's a lot of work to do before The Boring Company gets its high-speed transport tunnels up and running on home soil, but its operations already appear set to expand across the Pacific.
The Boring Company(一家美国公司)在修好高速运输隧道并让其在家乡土地上运行之前尚有许多工作要做,但它的业务似乎已经准备跨越太平洋了。
CEO Elon Musk revealed over the weekend that a new arm of the tunneling venture is in the works for China, a place where his electric car company also happens to be making some inroads.
Back in May, around two and a half years after Musk first floated the idea of using tunnels to tackle city traffic, the Las Vegas tourism authority signed off on a deal whereby The Boring Company would build a transport loop for the renovated Las Vegas Convention Center.
马斯克首次提出利用隧道来解决城市交通问题已过去约两年半,拉斯维加斯旅游局于五月份签署了一项协议,The Boring Company将为翻修后的拉斯维加斯会议中心修建交通环线。
Due for completion sometime later in the year, the system will consist of three tunnels that transport people between stations in modified Teslas and other electric vehicles.
The plan is for these people-movers, at some point, to begin operating autonomously with a capacity to transport at least 4,400 passengers per hour.
Responding to a tweet announcing his visit to China for the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai on August 29 to 31, Musk mentioned that he "will also be launching The Boring Company China on this trip."
一则推文宣布马斯克将于8月29日至31日期间来华参加上海的世界人工智能大会,他在回应时说“此行他也要推出The Boring Company中国”。
In response to another Twitter user asking whether the company would build tunnels underwater, Musk simply said "Yes."
What his plans are for tunnels and traffic in the world's most populous nation is anyone's guess at this point, but it is worth noting that Musk has big plans for Tesla in China.
The company continues to work towards completion of its Shanghai Gigafactory, where it plans to start producing cars for the local market, including the Model 3 mass market sedan by year's end.
该公司会继续建成上海的超级工厂,计划年底前开始为当地市场生产汽车,包括面对大众市场的轿车Model 3。
