Entire koala colonies are being ravaged by Australia's devastating, ongoing bushfires. 澳大利亚持续的毁灭性山火正在对整个考拉种群造成破坏。 The lucky ones escaped the inferno with singed ears and burned feet, clinging to rescuers who came to save the already imperiled koalas. 一些幸运的考拉从大火中逃生,耳朵被烧焦,脚被烧伤,紧紧抓着来拯救受灾考拉的救援人员。 But hundreds others of already vulnerable koalas are feared dead in a historic bush fire that has torn through the eastern Australia coast. That fire has claimed the lives of at least four people. 但数百只原本就脆弱的考拉恐怕已经在这场历史级丛林大火中丧生,这场大火已横扫澳大利亚东海岸。已有至少4人在大火中丧生。 Rescuers and volunteers wandering through charred eucalyptus trees in New South Wales for marsupial survivors have found bleak signs of devastation: koalas incinerated while seeking refuge, leaving ash where conservationists hoped to tally the dead. 救援人员和志愿者在新南威尔士州烧焦的桉树林中搜寻幸存的这种有袋动物,那里满目疮痍:考拉在躲避大火时被烧死,只留下灰烬,自然环境保护主义者希望能清点一下死亡数量。 "It's a national tragedy," Port Macquarie Koala Hospital Clinical Director Cheyne Flanagan told ABC News Australia. 麦夸里港考拉医院临床主任Cheyne Flanagan对澳大利亚ABC新闻说:“这真是全国的灾难。” She estimated earlier this week that as many as 350 koalas had been killed and said that number could certainly rise as koalas dehydrate or starve to death. More than 2.5 million acres have already burned on the east coast, with more fires in the west. 本周早些时候她估计有多达350只考拉已经丧生,死亡数量还会上升,因为还有考拉会脱水或饿死。东海岸起火面积超过250万英亩,西部还有更多的火灾。 Fire roared through serene Lake Innes Nature Reserve, where as many as 600 koalas lived in a colony and died in the trees while seeking shelter, News.com.au reported. 宁静的英斯湖自然保护区大火肆虐,新闻网站News.com.au报道称那里的一个栖息地内有多达600只考拉,都在树上躲避大火时丧生。 Social media has been awash with photos and videos of people stumbling upon burned and thirsty koalas placed in laundry baskets and munching on leaves indoors. 社交网站充斥着人们无意中发现被烧后口渴的考拉的照片和视频,它们都在室内被放在洗衣篮里咀嚼着树叶。 Koalas are already considered vulnerable to extinction by wildlife officials because of forest clearing and human expansion, and their numbers have dropped to fewer than 20,000 in their primary habitat in New South Wales, according to the World Wildlife Fund, which said they could be extinct by 2050. 由于森林砍伐和人类扩张,考拉已被野生动物部门认定为濒危物种。世界野生动物基金会称,新南威尔士州主要栖息地的考拉数量已降至不足20,000只,到2050年将会灭绝。 |