The mother is Tiki Finlayson of Tennessee. 有一个来自田纳西州的母亲,名叫Tiki Finlayson Her son Kevin – nicknamed "Sunshine" –died at the age of 25 她的儿子小名唤作“小太阳”,25岁的时候去世了 when a drunk driver crashed head-on into his minivan. 死因是车祸,一个酒驾的司机迎头撞上了他的迷你货车 Tiki decided to honor him by donating his heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas , bones and tissue – Tiki决定捐献出他的心脏,肝脏,肾脏,胰脏,骨质和细胞组织,以此来纪念儿子 saving 4 lives and healing many more. 她拯救了四条人命,还让更多的人恢复了健康 One of the people saved was Melvin Ellis 这些获救的人之中有一个名叫Melvin Ellis a minister in Alabama, 是阿拉巴马州的一位牧师 who was brought back to life when he received Sunshine's heart. 他得到了“小太阳”捐献的心脏,从死神手中捡回了一条命 She actually received the thank you letter from Melvin on her Sunshine's birthday 在小太阳的生日这一天,她收到了一张来自Melvin的感恩卡片 —and describes it as the best present she could have ever received. 她说,这是她收到过的最好的礼物 She illustrated beautifully meeting Melvin for the first time: 她描述着第一次与Melvin见面的情景,那一幕十分温馨感人 "As I was listening to my son's heartbeat through Melvin's chest, 当我听到从Melvin的胸腔里传来的,我儿子的心跳声 I thought, Wow… Kevin really is a super hero. 我想到,哇,Kevin真是一个超级英雄 I had never been more proud of him then I was in that moment." 我从未像这一刻一样如此为他感到骄傲 Tiki and Melvin have joined a national campaign called #BeTheGift – Tiki和Melvin参加了一项名为“成为生命的礼物”的活动 a completely fresh and fun way to encourage more organ and tissue donation. 这项活动的宗旨是,以一种新鲜有趣的方式,鼓励更多的人捐献器官和细胞组织 For reasons I don't have to explain, 不用我多言 organ and tissue donation is not a subject on everyone's lips. 器官和细胞组织捐献并不是人人挂在嘴边上的话题 People generally avoid the subject of death, 人们常常会回避关于死亡的话题 which means they also avoid the subject of donation. 这也就意味着,他们会回避关于器官捐献的话题 The facts are compelling : 真相令人震惊 Today, 115,000 Americans are waiting for life-saving organs; 当下,在美国,有11万5千人等着移植器官才能活下去 20 of them die every day, still waiting. 他们中每天都有20人死去,致死都还在等待 Meanwhile, more than 90 percent of Americans say they believe in donation 与此同时,超过90%的美国人都说自己相信器官捐献是一件好事 but only 54% are actually registered. 但只有54%的人注册登记捐献 |