面对当前新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,世界卫生组织近日在官方网站向公众公布了信息和建议,呼吁公众采取理性、谨慎的保护和预防措施。 The World Health Organization (WHO) released information and advice recently to the public regarding the novel coronavirus epidemic, which has struck China, particularly its central Hubei Province. 世界卫生组织最近向公众发布了有关新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎的信息和建议。这种传染病使中国发生疫情,特别是在中部的湖北省。 coronavirus[kə,rəunə'vaiərəs]:n.冠状病毒 "Antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria," the WHO said on its official website, noting that as the novel coronavirus is a virus, antibiotics are not effective in preventing or treating it. 世界卫生组织在官网上写道:“抗生素对病毒无效,只对细菌有效。”世界卫生组织指出,新型冠状病毒是一种病毒,抗生素无法有效预防和治疗。 However, if a patient is hospitalized for the virus, he may receive antibiotics since "bacterial co-infection is possible," the organization added. 然而,如果患者染病住院,可能会接受抗生素治疗,因为“可能合并细菌感染,”世界卫生组织补充说。 Up to now, there is no specific medicine for preventing or treating the virus, but some particular cures are being studied and will be tested in clinical trials, the WHO said, adding that it is working with partners to help accelerate related research and development work. 世界卫生组织表示,到目前为止,还没有专门的药物来预防或治疗这种病毒,但一些特定的治疗方法正在研究中,并将用于临床试验。世界卫生组织补充说,正与有关机构合作,加快相关的研发工作。 "People of all ages" can be infected with the novel coronavirus, and elder people and people with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease are more susceptible, the WHO said. 世界卫生组织说,“所有年龄的人”都可能感染这种新型冠状病毒,而老年人和已有哮喘、糖尿病和心脏病等疾病的人更易感。 susceptible [səˈseptəbl]:adj.易受影响的
With regard to whether companion animals like dogs or cats can be infected with the virus, the WHO said, there is no evidence on it yet. 世界卫生组织表示,尚无证据证明狗或猫等伴侣动物是否会感染病毒。 But the organization advised people to wash hands with soap and water after contacting pets, which can help protect them against "various common bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella that can pass between pets and humans." 但世界卫生组织建议人们在接触宠物后涂肥皂洗手,这有助于保护他们免受“各种常见细菌,如大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌”的侵害。这两种细菌可以在宠物和人之间传播。 Chinese health authorities said on Tuesday that it received reports of 3,235 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 64 deaths on Monday from 31 provincial-level regions and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. 国家卫生健康委2月4日表示,2月3日0-24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例3235例,新增死亡病例64例。
为了抵御来势汹汹的新型冠状病毒(正式名称:2019-nCoV),全球网友想出了五花八门的“土法子”:用香油、吃大蒜、盐水洗鼻子……由病毒引发的担忧也是各式各样,有怕宠物带毒的,还有甚至担心接到中国来的快递会感染病毒。 近日,世界卫生组织(World Health Organisation)及下属机构的官方账户就解疑释惑,发布了一系列英文的答网友问,内容权威、语言简练,甚至还有点小幽默,特选辑如下。 1 香油 围绕“衣食住行”的“食”,网友首先将视线投向了sesame oil——芝麻油。我国一部分地区称之为“麻油”,另一部分地区称之为“香油”。 有网友问:“抹芝麻油,或吃芝麻油,能阻止新型冠状病毒进入人体吗?”(Does putting on or eating sesame oil block the 2019-nC0V from entering the body?) 权威回答是: No. 不会。 Sesame oil is delicious but it does not kill 2019-nCoV. 芝麻油很好吃,但不会杀死新型冠状病毒。 2 大蒜 可能是因为大蒜有杀菌的作用,有网友问:“吃大蒜能帮助预防感染新型冠状病毒吗?” 权威回答第一句:“大蒜是一种健康食品,具有一定的抗菌特性(a healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties)。 别急,还有第二句: However, there is no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the novel coronavirus. 然而,目前的疫情没有证据表明食用大蒜可以保护人们免受新型冠状病毒的侵袭。 3 盐水 围绕杀毒手段,网友提出的第三问是关于盐水(saline)以及盐水滴鼻剂(saline nose drops):定期用盐水冲洗鼻子(regularly rinsing your nose with saline)能帮助预防感染新型冠状病毒吗? 有人这么问,是因为患感冒时,尤其是小朋友使用生理盐水洗鼻,往往效果不错。 权威回答第一句: There is no evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline has protected people from infection with the novel coronavirus. 没有证据表明定期用盐水冲洗鼻子能保护人们免受新型冠状病毒的感染。 为啥呢? There is some limited evidence that regularly rinsing the nose with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. 有一些有限的证据表明,定期用生理盐水冲洗鼻子可以帮助人更快地从普通感冒中恢复过来。 However, regularly rinsing the nose has not been shown to prevent respiratory infections. 然而,定期冲洗鼻子并不能预防呼吸道感染。 4 快递 疫情肆虐,有人连快递都不敢收了……有人问:收到来自中国的信件或包裹安全吗? 权威回答: Yes, it is safe. People receiving packages from China are not at risk of contracting 2019-nCoV. 是的,安全。收到从中国来的包裹不会有感染新型冠状病毒的风险。 From previous analysis, we know coronaviruses do not survive long on objects, such as letters or packages. 根据以往的分析,我们知道冠状病毒不会在物体上——比如信件或包裹——存活很长时间。 5 肺炎疫苗 既然是“新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎”,那就有网友问了:可以用肺炎疫苗对付新型冠状病毒吗?(Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against 2019-nCoV?) 答: No. Vaccines against pneumonia do not provide protection against 2019-nCoV. 不行。肺炎疫苗不能帮助人抵御新型冠状病毒。 The virus is new and different. It needs its own vaccine. 这种病毒是一种新的、不同的病毒。它需要专属疫苗。
世卫组织推荐的防病毒小贴士 前面介绍了WHO针对“七大迷思”做出的“官宣”,下面附上两则WHO的降低感染病毒风险小贴士。 第一条小贴士,大家都能用的上:践行食品卫生安全(food safety)! (1)生肉和熟食要区分,使用不同的砧板和菜刀(Use different chopping boards and knives for raw meat and cooked food); (2)做饭时要洗手(Wash your hands when preparing meals); (3)确保肉制品彻底煮熟及正确处理(Make sure meat products are cooked thoroughly and properly handled)。 第二条小贴士,是送给在菜市场工作的朋友们,尤其是在生鲜、水产品市场(wet markets)工作的人。 (1)触摸动物和动物制品后勤洗手; (2)消毒器具设备和工作区域,每天至少一次(disinfect equipment and working area at least once a day); (3)处理动物和动物制品时,穿戴防护衣、防护手套和面部防护用品(protective gowns, gloves and facial protection); (4)工作完成后脱去防护衣物,每日清洗并留在工作地点; (5)避免让家人接触到弄脏的工作服和鞋(soiled work clothing and shoes)。 最后,送上一句WHO的苦口婆心碎碎念: Sick animals and animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten. 一定一定别吃生病的和病死的动物! 双语君也再补充一句:千万别碰、别吃野生动物!! 为了正确防疫,WHO也是操碎了心,以上这些“官宣”怎么强调都不为过,毕竟现在的第一要务就是想尽一切办法控制病毒的传播。 |