Potato chips 薯片 DIY it. Potato chips are made with three simple ingredients: sliced potatoes (a whole food), oil, and salt. Part of the problem with store-bought chips is the type of oil used. The high omega-6 fatty acid oils used for frying chips—including sunflower, safflower, and corn oil—have been associated with fueling inflammation. 自己做吧。只需三种成分,即可轻松制作薯片:切成薄片的土豆(一种全食物)、油和盐。从小店购买的薯片存在一个问题:油。用于炸薯条的油含有大量欧米茄6脂肪酸——包括葵花籽油、红花油和玉米油——或促进炎症反应。 Frying is another strike, as cooking starchy foods to very high temperatures has been shown to trigger the formation of acrylamide, a chemical linked to aging and increased cancer risk. 油炸是另一个问题,因为研究已证明淀粉类食物烹饪至一定高温时会导致丙烯酰胺的形成,这一化学物质与衰老和患癌风险增加相关。 For a healthier version, thinly slice a skin-on potato, lightly toss in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) or avocado oil, along with a little sea salt and black pepper, and cook on a baking sheet at 400 degrees F. And if, like me, you just can't resist grabbing an occasional bag of ready-to-eat chips, opt for those made with avocado or EVOO, which are high in heart-protective monounsaturated fats. 将未削皮的土豆切成薄片,倒入少许特级初榨橄榄油或牛油果油,而后加入少许海盐或黑胡椒搅拌,最后放入烤箱,设定400华氏度烘焙,这样的薯片更健康哦。如果你像我一样,控制不住想吃现成的薯片,请选择配方中含有牛油果油或特级初榨橄榄油的薯片,因为这类油富含保护心脏的单不饱和脂肪。 Sugar-sweetened beverages 含糖饮料 Artificially sweetened drinks are no better than those made with real sugar, and they may actually be worse for your waistline. Some scientists say that faux sugars activate the brain's pleasure center, which triggers an increased desire for sweets. That's likely why statistically, people who drink diet beverages aren't slimmer. One report found that two-can-a-day diet drinkers had a 54.5% chance of becoming overweight or obese, compared to 32.8% for those who drank the same amount of regular soda. 含有人造糖的饮料与用纯糖制成的饮料半斤八两,甚至会让你的腰围变粗。有些科学家表示,人造糖会激活大脑的愉悦中心,从而使人们更渴望甜食。因此从统计学角度而言,喝健怡饮料的人并不会更瘦。一份报告发现,每天喝两罐健怡饮料的人超重或肥胖的几率为54.5%,而每天喝两罐常规苏打水的人则为32.8%。 Better yet, fill up a daily pitcher with 64 ounces of filtered water that's been infused with all natural add-ins to impart nutrients and flavor, such as sliced cucumber, mint, citrus, ginger root, or other bits of slightly mashed fresh fruit. Sip on it throughout the day to stay hydrated, skirt sweeteners, and avoid any artificial additives. 最好在杯子中倒入64盎司含有切片黄瓜、薄荷、柑橘、姜根或其它略微捣碎的新鲜水果的过滤水,使其口味更佳、营养更丰。全天饮用这杯水保持水分,同时避开甜味剂和任何人工添加剂。 Sweets and desserts 糖果和甜点 It's not realistic to go through the rest of your life avoiding sweets altogether. But, most people are eating far more than the daily recommended amount. According to the American Heart Association, women should consume no more than six teaspoons worth of added sugar per day, and men no greater than nine. 余生不碰糖似乎并不实际。但有些人摄入的糖分却远远超过日建议摄入量。美国心脏协会的数据表示,女性每天摄入的糖分不应超过6茶匙,男性不应超过9茶匙。 |