在B站开户一个多月就聚集了超过五百万粉丝。 中国政法大学刑事司法学院教授罗翔眼睁睁看着自己火出圈。 凭借对刑法法条的生动解释,他的在线法学课,本来是法考考生的案头网课,近来却成了许多网民看得津津有味的视频,甚至成了鬼畜视频的素材。 中国日报就曾报道“Professor brings humor to legal studies” (教授将幽默带到法律课堂上)。 Exciting is not a term normally used when studying law. The examination of cases, judgments, protocols, procedure, cutting-edge arguments do not necessarily equate with a quickening pulse, even for the most ardent of students. But Luo Xiang's class is different. Luo uses references from current affairs and bizarre court cases to spice up legal studies.
哪怕段子横飞,案例奇形怪状,但是背后关于法律与道德的思考却总是严肃的。 Wearing a pair of glasses and a suit, Luo often starts his class with a story or a weird case, which may even challenge a moral bottom line, to explain legal terms. Behind the "funny" cases, his class is always inspirational, sparking discussion about law and ethics. 罗教授对于娱乐持审慎态度。他曾在微博上表示,“希望同学们不要以恶搞娱乐的态度去学习法律”。 在中国政法大学刑事司法学院的网站上可以看到罗翔教授扎实的教育经历。 1995-1999, China Youth College for Political Sciences, bachelor in law; 1999-2002, China University of Political Science and Law, master in criminal law; 2002-2005, Peking University, PhD in criminal law; 2009-2010, University of California, Berkeley, visiting scholar; 2013-2014, Duke University, visiting scholar. 第六声也报道过罗翔教授法学视频的火爆,“Law Professor’s Quirky Lectures Attract Millions of Online Fans”(法学教授的奇怪网课圈粉数百万网友)。 谈到罗教授课堂案例中出镜率最高的“法外狂徒张三”,作者Kendrick Davis指出,有点类似英语世界的John Smith。 Luo’s complex legal anecdotes involve a regular cast of fictional characters, such as the nefarious Zhang San — a made-up-sounding name analogous to John Smith. Zhang is so comically diabolical that he has ascended to meme status among fans, who even made him his own Bilibili account. Over the course of Luo’s lectures, Zhang has poisoned people, scammed prostitutes, died of fright from the sound of fireworks while bathing in a pond, robbed people using a piece of poo, and gone to prison for pouring scalding water on a tree. 有了自己的个人账户之后,罗翔发布了许多跟刑法不那么相关,但又非常硬核的演讲视频,像是“你为什么要读书?”“为什么人要诚实”“什么是正义”等。虽是演讲,但是娓娓道来,让人听了十分受鼓舞——视频末尾会被满屏的“谢谢老师”的弹幕占满。 罗翔教授说到过那么多的刑法概念,你知道用英语怎么表示吗?双语君汇总了这一份词表,一起来看看。 主刑 principal punishment/sanction 管制 surveillance, or police supervision in a community, from three months to two years 拘役 criminal detention, from one month to six months 有期徒刑 fixed-term imprisonment 无期徒刑 non-fixed-term imprisonment / life imprisonment 死刑 death penalty 犯罪要件 elements of a crime 犯罪主体 subject 犯罪客体 object 正当防卫 self-defense 共同犯罪 complicity in an offense 共犯 accomplice 主犯 principal 从犯 accessory 普法是许多法律从业者在做的事。 罗翔教授用风趣幽默的方式,真正做到了让网民知法懂法,心有正义,且怀慈悲。就像第六声在文章中说的那样: Although the jokes may be what reel viewers in, Luo’s lasting appeal lies in the reverence with which he treats legal matters, as well as ethics and public welfare. Amid all the absurdity, he peppers in quotes from serious historical figures like Plato, Newton, and the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi. Viewers appreciate that behind Luo Xiang’s ridiculous stories and anecdotes is someone who reveres the sanctity of his profession.
quicken /ˈkwɪkən/ v (使)加快;加速 |