A growing group of more than 1,666 Google employees is demanding Google stop selling its technology to police departments, TechCrunch has learned. TechCrunch(美国科技类博客)获悉,已有超过1,666名谷歌员工要求谷歌停止将技术出售给警方。 “We’re disappointed to know that Google is still selling to police forces, and advertises its connection with police forces as somehow progressive, and seeks more expansive sales rather than severing ties with police and joining the millions who want to defang and defund these institutions,” employees wrote in a letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai. 员工在写给谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊的信中说:“我们很失望地了解到,谷歌仍然在向警方出售技术,还拿与警方的联系做宣传,说这是一种进步,同时还在试图扩大销售范围,而不是切断与警方的联系,加入数百万想要削弱和解散这些机构的人的行列中。” “Why help the institutions responsible for the knee on George Floyd’s neck to be more effective organizationally? Not only that, but the same Clarkstown police force being advertised by Google as a success story has been sued multiple times for illegal surveillance of Black Lives Matter organizers.” “为什么要帮助这些应该为跪杀乔治·弗洛伊德事件负责的机构,使它们能进行更有效地组织?不仅如此,被谷歌当做成功案例宣传的克拉克镇警方曾多次被起诉非法监视黑人人权运动的组织者。” Google, for example, has publicized how Clarkstown Police Department uses G Suite for sharing information and digital evidence. Meanwhile, Google is also a partner and donor to the Seattle police foundation and its venture capital arm, GV, has invested in startups working on artificial intelligence technology for police. 例如,谷歌宣传克拉克镇警方如何利用G Suite分享信息和数字证据。同时,谷歌也是西雅图警察基金会的合作伙伴和捐赠者,其风险资本分部门GV投资了几家为警方开发人工智能技术的初创公司。 “We’re committed to work that makes a meaningful difference to combat systemic racism, and our employees have made over 500 product suggestions in recent weeks, which we are reviewing,” a Google spokesperson told TechCrunch. 一位谷歌发言人对TechCrunch说:“我们致力于对打击系统性种族主义起到重要作用的工作,我们的员工在最近几周提供了500多个产品建议,我们正在审核。” “On this one, we were the first major company to decide, years ago, to not make facial recognition commercially available and we have very clear AI Principles that prohibit its use or sale for surveillance. We have longstanding terms of use for generally available computing platforms like Gmail, GSuite and Google Cloud Platform, and these products will remain available for Governments and local authorities, including police departments, to use.” “关于这一问题,我们是第一个在几年前就决定不会出售面部识别技术的大公司,我们有非常明确的《人工智能原则》,禁止为了进行监控而使用或出售这一技术。我们对普遍可用的计算平台有长期的使用条款,包括Gmail、GSuite和Google Cloud Platform。而且这些产品将继续提供给各国政府和当局使用,也包括警方。” In the letter, employees go on to say they want to be proud of the company they work for. They also want Google to speak to their values, the letter says. 员工在信中说他们希望能因自己就职的公司感到自豪,也希望谷歌能认同他们的价值观。 |