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My first Valentine’s Day


My first Valentine’s Day
By Yunzheng Chen

人们常常认为情人节是成年人专享的节日,其实不然,在美国的Lee小学,小学生们也煞有介事地过起了属于自己的情人节。同学们动手制作了漂亮的盒子,在盒子里面放上情人节的礼物,盒子外面写上自己最想说的“情话”,比如“篮球,我爱你!”等等。其实,Valentine's Day 不仅仅是成年人,或者是情侣的节日,而是所有充满爱心的人的节日。

I thought adults were the only ones to celebrate Valentine’s Day, so I was in for a surprise as even elementary students in the United States celebrate it.

A few weeks before Valentine’s Day, the students were told to make the boxes in which we would put our Valentine’s gifts. The day finally arrived. Each student put the box they had made on Mrs. Toalson’s desk. One box had the word “I love you, basketball” written on it. Another box looked like a mailbox, whilst another box was in the shape of a dolphin. Mine was a pink piggy box with “Happy Valentine’s Day” written on it. There was even a heart-shaped cake on Mrs. Toalson’s desk.

My first Valentine’s Day

Mrs. Toalson handed out pieces of paper. I wondered why. She then told us to vote for the “most beautiful box,” the “coolest box” and “the most colorful boxes." The winners would be awarded certificates. After we voted, Mrs. Toalson asked us to collect our boxes and take out the gifts we had for our friends. She also took out a bag of gifts for us.

“Come here, Mary, this is for you, I hope you will like it,” she said as she called me to her desk and handed me three candies and a Valentine’s Day card.更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

“Thank you so much Mrs. Toalson,” I replied with a smile.

All the students exchanged their gifts. I gave out shells from my hometown in China. Everyone loved them as they were so different. I was thrilled with all the gifts I had received: cards, bookmarks, pencils and chocolates. My friend Aniqa had written me a letter saying how glad she was that I was a part of the class.

Lastly, Mrs. Toalson handed out the certificates for the winners of the best boxes. Everyone waited in anticipation. “The cutest box is Mary’s pink piggy,” Mrs. Toalson announced. Wow, I was one of the winners! As I received my certificate from Mrs. Toalson, she gave me a great big hug for my first Valentine’s Day.
