70后,80后,90后--有关爱情 70后 -- 因为爱情,简单地生长 Post-70s Generation - Love Makes the Tough Life Beautiful 70后的他们,现在绝大部分都早已为人父母,并成为社会的中坚力量。人到中年,经历了社会的变更,他们或还在追忆年少时那份简单,来自那时物质匮乏时代的简单。那时,社会尚未有如此悬殊的贫富差距。他们是还有着执着、白头到老的信念的一代,为了一句话可以等上很多年甚至一辈子的年代。 在70后的婚恋世界里,父母的建议、周遭的议论显得如此之重,甚至超过自身的判断或喜好。70后的一代里,单身是反传统的一种叛逆,是多数人眼中的另类。他们中的大多数,没有勇气和机会去突破传统。一直到此刻,也许还在遗憾,当初并未向最爱的那个人吐露心声,就这样默默地错过了。他们心中最初始的爱情,依然生长发芽。 因为爱情,不会轻易悲伤,所以一切都是幸福的模样 因为爱情,简单地生长,依然随时可以为你疯狂 因为爱情,怎么会有沧桑,所以我们还是年轻的模样 因为爱情,在那个地方,依然还有人在那里游荡,人来人往 王菲,陈奕迅 《因为爱情》 People born in the post-70s are relatively conservative. When they reached school age, China had started its period of reform and opening up. They have received reasonable and formal education. Many of them worked really hard to get into the universities. Being a university student was still a high honor at that time and even more students went overseas to pursue their studies for higher degrees. They had better and more opportunities which seemed impossible to their seniors. This is the generation that connects the harder working post-60s and the more rounded post-80s. 80后 -- 是否成人的世界背后总有残缺 Post-80s Generation - The Changeable Life Makes Love Embarrassing 他们是尴尬的一代。他们出生的时候,中国刚摆脱文革的余瘟,试探性地开始了改革开放。80后是没有受过苦但也没有享过福的一代。因此,他们骨子里是崇尚真诚和自由的恋爱。然而,他们还未来得及做完青春的美梦,物质时代便毫不留情地大步迈来。这30年来中国发展得太快,改变得太多,物价腾飞,房价更是高不可攀,80后是恋不起也婚不起。所以,80后的婚恋是尴尬的,在崇尚美好爱情生活的同时,还要顾及到社会现实。80后总在现实(reality)和梦幻(fantasy)之间徘徊。80后的爱情注定青黄不接。 我爱上让我奋不顾身的一个人 我以为这就是我所追求的一切 然而横冲直撞,被误解被骗,是否成人世界背后总有残缺 我走在每天必须面对的分岔路 我怀念过去单纯美好的小幸福 爱总是让人哭,让人觉得不满足 天空很大却看不清楚,好孤独 孙燕姿 《天黑黑》 Being one of them, personally I should understand this generation better. I see their helplessness towards routine, their contradictive perceptions of reality, their great desires for more comfortable lifestyles and their internationalized love of society. This has been the first generation since the one-child policy was issued. Their growth has been filled with debates and criticisms. Being the "Sun" of the family, they have been labeled as the most spoiled generation. In fact, it has turned out, with the test of time that they are a more balanced generation by far. 90后 -- 别管别人说,你是自己领袖 Post-90s Generation - The Young May Balance Life and Love 90后,他们没有宣言,只有行动。他们是行动的一代,他们看不上写计划书、保证书,他们不屑理会口号宣言,他们不会犹豫不决。 首先,他们非常理性,他们的童年是在电话、手机、电脑普及下度过的。年纪轻轻的他们,坐一次飞机就比他们的父辈一辈子走过的路还长、还远。他们听说过、见过的爱情故事,远比父辈们来的复杂繁多。他们从一开始就能知道对方是结婚对象,或者只是恋爱对象。他们讲究门当户对,讲究共同理念,他们不太在意父母的想法,却能明白自己所需。他们成熟得惊人,理性得不符年龄,老成得很。 另一方面,90后是不需要为旁人负责的一代,当70后还在考虑父母的想法,当80后还在为什么时候买房结婚纠结时,90后却开始了"我的生活,我做主!"他们选择单身,选择婚嫁对象,他们见多识广,往往更容易看清事物的本质。只是他们还太年轻,90后最老的那位也才刚22岁,时间还不够让他们展示,舞台还没有轮到他们上场,社会上还没有他们的一席之地,不过我绝对相信,90后一代,在不久的将来,必定会发出耀眼的光芒。 你喜欢哪种节奏 你喜欢哪种享受 别管别人说 你是自己领袖 听什么样的唱片 有什么奇怪的感觉 听你喜欢的音乐 这才是Rock N' Roll 牛奶@咖啡 《我不是Rock N'Roll》 Somehow I admire the post-90s. They have more opportunities to see the world while they are still very young. As China gets more and more globalized, the starting point of the post-90s is much more advanced than that of previous generations. Society is becoming more reasonable and more open minded. The social structure is getting closer to that of the west. How-ever there are still many challenges for them. Financially they may be better off compared with their seniors. They have not experienced the hardships, hence they might not have the kind of patience that the older people have. They may be too much influenced by modern culture without preserving the traditional, good Chinese values. They may be so influenced by modern technology that they no longer enjoy the simplicity of the goodness of life. This may affect their views about love relationships. Despite what has been said above, they really have a more supportive social environment and more financially secure future, and more can-do attitudes, meaning they are more positive. They are more likely to take the opportunities presented to them and have a go at them! |