1.To decide whether to "leave" or "try harder". 2. Quit a good money job to pursue one's dreams. 3. Apologize to people you have hurt. 4. Admit your own mistakes. 5. Staying positive when you have lost everything you ever had. 6. Living away from family. 7. Bouncing back when you have fall rock bottom. 8. Making others smile when one has not smiled for ages. 9. Keep a low profile despite being extremely knowledgeable about his/her profession. 10. Attending a loved one’s funeral. when you face above things, firstly , you have to know, you must accept the fact, and then, thinking about, Some people are just not meant to be in your life. Everything happens for a reason. Every. Damn. Thing. People want you to do well but not better than them. Of course,when you experience above things, you could come to a decision: no matter 10 or 100 hardest things like list, in fact, just the two most difficult things in your heart, persevering and letting go. At last,If you ask me is there anything harder than them? I could tell you one thing ultimate hard, know when to do and what to do. |