爱思英语编者按:巴黎气候变化大会于2015年12月12日晚通过全球气候变化新协议。《联合国气候变化框架公约》近200个缔约方一致同意通过《巴黎协定》。协议规定,各国应着眼于尽快达到“温室气体排放量的全球峰值”,并在本世纪下半叶实现人类活动排放与自然吸收之间的平衡(净零排放)。 三大目标 2摄氏度+1.5摄氏度;前工业化水平 Holding the increase in the global averagetemperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursueefforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industriallevels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks andimpacts of climate change. 遏制全球平均温度至不高于前工业化时期2摄氏度,谋求将温度增长限制在不高于前工业化时期1.5摄氏度,如此才能大幅度降低气候变化带来的风险和影响。 气候顺应 Increasing the ability to adapt to theadverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and lowgreenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten foodproduction 增强对气候变化不利影响的适应能力,在不威胁粮食生产的前提下,培育气候顺应力和低温室气体排放式发展。 资金流动 Making finance flows consistent witha pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilientdevelopment 资金流动与低温室气体排放和气候顺应发展道路相适应。 名词解释 Intended Nationally determinedcontributions(INDCs) 国别自定预期贡献。为实现COP21巴黎协定,各国公开出台2020年后应对气候变化规划被称为INDC。这标志着气候治理路线与《京都议定书》不同,从强制绝对目标转向国家自定贡献。 自己减排,两种责任 共同但有区别的责任 Developed country Parties shall continuetaking the lead by undertaking economy-wide absolute emission reductiontargets. 发达国家应承担整个经济范围内的绝对减排目标。 Developing country Parties should continueenhancing their mitigation efforts, and are encouraged to move over timetowards economy-wide emission reduction or limitation targets in thelight of different national circumstances. 发展中国家应加强限排努力,鼓励根据不同的国家情况,向全经济减排或限制目标转移。 名词辨析 绝对减排(AbsoluteEmission Reduction)与排放强度(Emissions Intensity ) 绝对减排是对二氧化碳和其他温室气体排放的量化,排放强度则指每单位经济产出的排放量。对于发展中国家来说,降低了排放强度,即每生产一个经济产品,排放的温室气体减少了,但因为经济总体处于大发展阶段,总体的排放仍然在增加,并将于某一年达到峰值。这与发达国家要承担的绝对数量减排有区别。 国际合作,两个手段 国际可转让与非市场手段 Parties shall, where engaging on avoluntary basis in cooperative approaches that involve the use ofinternationally transferred mitigation outcomes towards nationally determinedcontributions, promote sustainable development and ensure environmentalintegrity and transparency. 各方应在自愿基础上使用国际性可转让减排成果,以实现国别贡献,促进可持续发展并确保环境数据诚实透明。 Parties recognize the importance ofintegrated, holistic and balanced non-market approaches being available toParties to assist in the implementation of their nationally determinedcontributions...including through, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance,technology transfer and capacity-building, as appropriate. 各方认识到统一、整体、平衡的非市场手段可用于帮助各方履行国别排放贡献……包括适宜的减缓、顺应、融资、技术转让和能力建设。 除了自己加紧减排,还有什么国际合作的手段呢?第一是市场手段。比方说,我比较穷,有减排份额排不完,我就卖给你,你把我的份额用了,拿出钱来帮助我发展绿色经济,这时市场的方法。第二是非市场手段。 顺应气候首先要顺应实际 Parties acknowledge that adaptation actionshould follow a country-driven, gender-responsive, participatory and fullytransparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups,communities and ecosystems, and should be based on and guided by the bestavailable science and, as appropriate, traditional knowledge, knowledge ofindigenous peoples and local knowledge systems, with a view to integratingadaptation into relevant socioeconomic and environmental policies and actions. 各方承认顺应行为应以国家为基础,考虑性别因素,鼓励参与及保证透明。考虑到弱势群体、社区和生态系统,以最可行的科技和最适宜的传统知识、当地经验为基础,旨在把顺应行为整合到相关的社会经济和环境政策及行为中去。 不可避免的究竟不可避免,不仅要减缓,还要顺应。和人类在冰河时期死伤大半不同,现在这种顺应有更多的伦理和科学考虑,其中最重要一点,就是要结合当地实际情况。 谁应该拿钱? Developed country Parties shall providefinancial resources to assist developing country Parties with respect to bothmitigation and adaptation in continuation of their existing obligations underthe Convention. 发达国家应向发展中国家提供财政支持,继续按现有《公约》义务支持其减缓和顺应。 Support, including financial support, shallbe provided to developing country Parties for...strengthening cooperativeaction on technology development and transfer at different stages of thetechnology cycle. 应向发展中国家提供财力支持,以在技术周期的不同阶段,强化技术发展和技术转让的合作行为。 怎么搞的要说清楚 Each Party shall regularly provide thefollowing information: (a) A national inventory report ofanthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases,prepared using good practice methodologies accepted by the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change and agreed upon by the Conference of the Partiesserving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement 各方应定期提供下列信息。 a)提供国家人为排放温室气体的来源及消除清单,采用气候变化政府间小组接受且巴黎协议约定的正确方法。 (b) Information necessary to trackprogress made in implementing and achieving its nationally determinedcontribution under Article 4 b)实施和达到国别排放目标中可追查的信息。 五年一盘点 The Conference of the Parties serving asthe meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement shall undertake its first globalstocktake in 2023 and every five years thereafter unless otherwise decidedby the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to theParis Agreement. 巴黎协议各方应于2023年达成阶段性目标并进行全球盘点,此后每五年一次,除非巴黎协议另有规定。 何时生效? This Agreement shall enter into force onthe thirtieth day after the date on which at least 55 Parties to the Conventionaccounting in total for at least an estimated 55 percent of the total globalgreenhouse gas emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification,acceptance, approval or accession. 本协议将于至少55个参与国(其其排放量占比超过全球的55%)递交签署、批准或加入文件当日后的第30日起生效。 |