爱思英语编者按:2016年了,元旦又抢了几个红包?别光乐呵抢红包了,新年心愿许了没?新年计划定了吗?不是小编打击你,目标还是要有的,万一实现了呢?小编希望你不只是在去年的5上加了一小笔变成了6,就成了2016的新年计划,虽然小编是这样做的,但是,绝对不提倡、不提倡…… LearnEnglish? Finally quit smoking? Become a better cook? Go to EiffelTower? Whatever you've decided to achieve next year, you know alltoo well that you're probably going to fail, and that list ofbeautiful, aspirational goals is staying unfulfilled.Sorry. For thisvery reason some people forgo making any resolutions altogether, sowe're here to help - this year you might actually have a chance,with help from a few tricks of the mind. Britishpsychologist Richard Wiseman has done several surveys on willpower- in 2007 he tracked the success of 3,000 people's New Year'sresolutions, only to find that a mere 12 percent of them managed toachieve what they had set out to do. He looked into what thesuccessful people were doing differently, and, based on theirexperience, devised a list of tips for others who want to stopfailing miserably. Before weget into the list, it turns out the number one thing to stoprelying on is your own willpower - that's basically the worstapproach to keeping a resolution, and is the reason why so many ofus never start exercising more, continue eating all that friedchicken, and still can't speak a word of French. Whatshould you be doing instead? As Wiseman explained on his blog backin 2013, your goals should be small and manageable, you shoulddocument your success, tell others about your intentions, and,importantly, not beat yourself up for failing. Here’s the completelist of Wiseman’s advice: 1) makeonly one resolution changing alot of things at once is more difficult. 2)Think about your resolutions in advance It’s soimportant that spend some time to reflect on them than make moregoals. 3)Don’t re-visit past failures but focuson new resolutions instead. 4)Focus on what you really want don’t justgo with what’s trendy. 5)Break your goal into manageable concretesteps with specific deadlines. 6) Gopublic tell yourfriends, family, social networks about your goals, which willincrease your fear of failure and also garner support. 7)Create a checklist focusingon how much better your life will be once you’ve achieved yourgoals. 8) giveyourself a small reward. Wheneveryou make progress on the steps towards your goal. 9)Document your journey charts,spreadsheets, journals and other means of tracking your progresswill keep it concrete. 10)Don’t beat yourself up and quit if yousometimes revert to old habits,treat it as a temporary setback. Finally,good luck in 2016! |