What books should I read? 我应该读什么书? What's the purpose of reading books? 读书的目的又是什么? That's two questions I've been asking myself my whole life. 这是两个我一辈子都在问自己的问题。 For the second question, I guess I've already got the answer. 对于第二个问题,我觉得我已经有了答案。 I read as much as I can so that I can be a man with vision . 我尽我所能读书,是为了成为一个有境界的人。 I think that's the ultimate goal of reading. And I think that's the best gift reading can bring you. 我认为这就是读书的终极目的。我还觉得这是读书能带给你的最好礼物。 And for the first question, I can't say I have the best answer. But I do have some experience to share. 而至于第一个问题,虽然我不能说我的答案是最好的,但我的确有些经验可以分享。 First, you should read books which teach you things about culture. 首先,你应该读那些关于文化的书。 Only by knowing a culture well can you deepen your thoughts. Only by knowing several cultures can you broaden your horizon. 只有深入了解一个文化,你的思想才能深邃。只有了解很多文化,你的视野才能宽广。 Second, you should read books which teach you how to appreciate things. 第二,你应该读那些教你欣赏的书。 The longing for beauty is what has been keeping human cultures developing. You need to know how to identify beauty and how to appreciate them. 对美的追求,是人类文化发展的动力。你需要学习怎样识别美,以及怎样欣赏它们。 Third, you should read books which teach you things from disciplines that you don't know yet. 第三,你应该读那些关于你不了解的学科的书。 There are too many still left to know. We can't assume that we've already known enough. 未知的东西还有太多,我们不能自以为是。 Fourth, you should read books which teach you about all the new things happening now. 第四,你应该读那些关于正在发生的新事物的书。 The world is constantly changing. You need to keep pace with it. 世界在不断地变化,你得跟上它的脚步。 Finally, you should read books which entertain you. 最后,你还应该读一些消遣的书。 You are not a learning machine. You need to enjoy the physical and mental pleasure that every human enjoys. This recovers you and gives you energy to learn better. 你不是一台学习机器。你需要享受那些人类应该享受的身体快感和精神快感。这能帮你恢复,并让你有精力去更好地学习。 These are the 5 kinds of books that I make myself read. And I think everybody should read them. 这就是我让自己读的5种书。而我觉得所有人都该读它们。 Don't you agree with me? 你们同意吗? |