
  • It's still the holiday season and students in the UK are on their winter break.Tiffany in Guangdong Province asked us about how British students s...

  • This week's question is about Chinese film stars. These are the actors and actresses who are known and loved for their appearances in films on the...

  • Ren is curious about the relationship between the UK and Australia. In many ways the two countries have a lot of things in common and they speak the s...

  • 科学家们称他们已经揭开了斑马身上为何有黑白条斑纹的秘密。这篇刊登在《自然生物学期刊上》的文章说斑纹有掩护作用,因为昆虫不喜欢斑纹。There have been many theories to explain the zebra's unmistakable stripes. Scient...

  • 目前中欧和东欧持续的寒流已经导致100多人死亡。有些国家动用了军队来帮助那些被困于大雪中的人们。政府还设立了临时住所帮助无家可归者。Most of the deaths have occurred in Poland and Ukraine, where sixty-five mainly home...

  • 欧洲居民将第一次拥有申请被公司忘记的权利”。根据欧盟新的隐私保护法提议,人们有权通知一个公司删除该公司在互联网上所有有关他们的个人信息。Just how much control should people have over their online reputations?Shoul...

  • 100年前一名美国考古学家发现位于秘鲁的印加古城马丘比丘。很多来自世界各地的游客都会到此观光。本周当地政府举办了大型活动以示庆祝。 庆典活动包括印第安文化传统的歌舞表演,现代音乐会,神秘的宗教仪式和各项学术研究讨论。It's one of the most stunning and icon...

  • 土豆有望高产


    科学家首次破解了马铃薯这种作物的全部基因组。这一成果刊登在最新一期的《自然》期刊上。这一突破将有助于提高马铃薯产量。The humble potato is in fact the world's fourth largest food crop, with a global annual ...

  • 利滋大学的一项研究报道认为中世纪时期的金属盔甲沉重得让士兵难以在沙场上作战,这也可能直接影响到战果。As weapons became more and more sophisticated in medieval Europe armour also evolved, and by the 15t...

  • 在中国发现的一块小型恐龙化石标本改变了多年来科学家们对鸟类起源研究的理论。一个半世纪以来,研究人员一直认为始祖鸟是最原始、最古老的鸟类,但最新发现的标本有可能改变这一看法。Archaeopteryx has a hallowed place in science, long hailed as no...