balance 尾款
2023-12-06在淘宝卖家规定的时间范围内付尾款,消费者才能享受商家提供的优惠。如果现实中消费者无法在规定时间内付款,预售定金不予退还。尾款的英文是Balance”。例句:►They were due to pay the balance on delivery.他们定在货到时支付尾款。...
down payment 首付
2023-12-06首付款是购买大件商品(如房屋、汽车等)的第一笔预付款,它的英文是down payment。例句:►We are saving for a down payment on a house.我们正攒钱支付买房的首付金。...
installment 分期付款
2023-12-06很多时候,我们想要购买一件产品或享受一项服务,但是暂时资金不足,就可以利用分期付款的方式,将付款压力转移到之后的一段时间中。它的英文是installment”或者payment by installments”。例句:►I bought the house by ...
save items to the wishlist 收藏加购
2023-12-06平时刷购物网站或应用,看到令自己心动的商品,但是因为种种原因暂时不能付款,就可以收藏加购”,等到想买的时候再说。收藏加购的英文叫做save items to the wishlist”或者add items to the wishlist”。...
pay for all the items in the cart 清空购物车
2023-12-06这句话可不是说把购物车的东西都删掉,而是把购物车里的商品都买下。所以它的英文自然也有了,那就是pay for all the items in the cart”。例句:►You can now use the application to select items from...
2023-12-06This is Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of eight newborn babies.狐猴 宙斯” 是个忙碌的爸爸,它的八只狐猴宝宝刚刚降生。The rare ring-tailed lemur has fathered four sets of twin...
2023-12-06This chimpanzee is about to send a message.这头黑猩猩马上就要发送一个信息。The drumming can travel 1km through the jungle.敲打声可以在丛林中传播一公里。Drumming on tree roots allows...
2023-12-06This is the world's largest exoskeleton 'mech suit'.这是世界上最大的外骨骼 机械服”。The three-metre-tall robotic metal skeleton has four legs.这个三米高...
2023-12-06The face of Vincent Van Gogh emerges from the past.文森特·梵高的面容历经岁月,重见天日。The portrait is hidden on the back of a painting held in Edinburgh.这幅肖像画藏...
2023-12-06High up in the Swiss Alps, 31 daredevils have been competing at the first ever highline world championships.在瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的高处,31名勇士参加了首届世界高空走扁带锦标赛。The firs...