2023-11-241、付帐(cash):右手拇指、的食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付帐的手势。2.“动脑筋”(use your brain)“机敏一点”(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。3、“傻瓜”(fool):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其四指,或十指分开。也常常食...
2024-10-15头发是一个人形象的重要组成。所以满大街的美发沙龙常常是人员爆满,人人都想塑造个好形象嘛!剪头发的时候坐着也是坐着,不如趁机学一学剪头发用英语怎么说,以后出国做个发型也好沟通。 A--barber B--customer A: Good morning. Take a seat, please.早上好...
Calling an old friend给老朋友打电话
2023-11-24原文: Miranda is calling Benny. They haven't seen each other for many years. A: Hello, may I speak to Benny Smith, please?B: Speaking.[1]A: Benny, t...
Making a Phone Call(1)
2023-11-24原文: (Tony calls Jean up[1].)W: Hello!M: Hello! Could I speak to Jean?W: I'm sorry she's not in[2] at the moment[3]. M: Is that Mrs. Smith?W: Y...
Asking about the Time
2023-11-24原文: (Michael asks about the time on his way out to work.)M: Honey, can you tell me the time?W: Sure. It's 7:50 by my watch[1].M: Gosh! I'm lat...
Going to a Birthday Party
2023-11-24原文: (Mary comes to George's home for his birthday party.)M: Oh, Mary, come in, please. I'm so happy to see you. W: Happy birthday, George. Man...
Getting up in the morning起床
2023-11-24原文: Mom wakes Daniel up in the morning. A: Wake up, Daniel. The alarm's been ringing for almost a minute.B: Oh, Mom. I'm still so sleepy. Can ...
Planning for the day一天规划
2023-11-24原文: Gary and Ada are talking over breakfast about what they are going to do that day. A: Dear, I have to go to the office early today. Can you take Sa...
Returning a Shirt to the Store把衬衣退给商店
2023-11-24原文: (John is returning a shirt to the store.)M: Hi, Miss, can I return this shirt?W: What's the matter with it?[1]M: It's the wrong size[2]. I...
Taking a Taxi打的
2023-11-24原文: (Sarah is taking a taxi.)W: Taxi! Taxi, please!M: Good morning, Ma'am[1]. Where to?[2]W: Beijing Railway Station, please. I need to catch[3] a...