2023-12-06神秘兮兮 求我我就告诉你︰ Guess what! 你猜怎么着! I know something you don't know! 我知道一些你不知道的事情! Ask me what just happened. 你猜刚刚发生什么事。 Have I got news for you! 我有事...
2023-12-06I support you. 我支持你。 I'll stand by you. 我会帮助你。 I'm with you all the way. 我会一直支持你。 I'm behind you all the way. 我随时在后面支持你。 I'm there for...
2023-12-06我们结婚吧! 单刀直入法︰ Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗? Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗? 迂回暗示法︰ I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了...
2023-12-06开门见山说分手 I want to break up. 我要分手。 It's over. 我们缘分已尽。 Don't call me anymore. 别再打电话给我。 There's someone else. 我有了别人。 We're not meant for ...
2023-12-06真可怕! 惊吓指数1 听到或碰到很糟糕的事情时,你可以说: That's terrible! 好恐怖! How awful! 可怕噢! That's horrible/dreadful! 好可怕/吓人! What a nightmare! 真是恶梦一场! 惊吓指数2 当情况坏到吓...
2023-12-06最直接的说法: I love you. 我爱你。 有感情,但不确定有爱情的说法: I have a crush on you. 我对你有点动心。 I care about you deeply. 我非常关心你。 保守含蓄的说法: I'm fond of you. 我对你有好感。 强烈的、戏剧...
2023-12-06说再见除了说Goodbye之外 九句最常用的道别语 一般的用法: Take care. 保重。 Later. 回头见。 So long. 再见。 Until we meet again (next time.) 下次见。 俏皮的说法:See you later, (alligator.) 回头见,(...
2023-12-06搭讪九句,让你越夜越美丽 似曾相识:拉近和对方的距离。 You look like someone I know. 你跟我一个朋友长得好象。 Haven't we met before? 我们之前见过吧? 借题发挥:只要有心,总是有借口。 That's a great haircut...
2023-12-06无坚不摧,撒娇九句 注意GG不要用,否则后果自负。 我欠你: Just this once. I'll never ask again.就这么一次。我不会再这样要求了。 I'll make it up to you. 我会报答你的。 I'll give you a massa...
2023-12-06游戏时耍赖︰ That doesn't count. 那不算! We weren't playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 欠钱时耍赖︰ Money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有点紧 I've had so man...