2024-08-03Traveler: Do you have a package tour to Hollywood?.游客:有去好莱坞的全包旅行吗?Desk derk: Yes.here is the table,which plans do you like best?接待员:有,这张是关于旅行的表格,您对哪个最...
2024-08-06Traveler: Do you have a foreign tour?游客:有没有出国游?Desk clork: Yes,where do you want to go?接待员:有,您想去哪里?Traveler: Sydney.游客:悉尼。Desk clerk: Would you please...
2024-08-15Desk dork: Is there anything I can do tor you?接待员:我能帮您什么吗?Traveier: Yes.we would like to take a tour to L.A.游客:是的,我们想去洛杉矶旅行。Desk derk: Well.that's...
2024-08-15Desk derk: Welcome to Youth Travel Agency.ls there anything I can do for you?接待员:欢迎来到青年旅行社,需要什么帮助吗?Traveler: We'd like to look around the town.Can...
2024-08-06Desk derk: May I help you?接待员:我可以帮您吗?Traveler: Yes.I am going to have a summer vocation.Would you reoommend some scenic spots to see?游客:是的,我想去度假,你可以给我...
2024-08-04Desk derk: May l help you?接待员:我可以帮您吗?Traveler: Yes.I would like to go to New York for my Christmas vocation.游客:是的,我想去纽约过圣诞节。Desk derk: How long do you...
2024-08-03Desk clerk: Which route are you interested in?接待员:您对哪个旅游路线感兴趣?Traveler:I think the four days' tour from New York to Atlantic City will be fine.游客:...
2024-09-05Travoler: We'll take the route No.10.游客:我们选择第10号旅游路线。Desk clerk: Fine.How many people are there in your party?接待员:好的,这次旅游有多少人?Traveler: Just two.H...
2024-09-05Traveler: What are the attractions of that city?游客:那城市有什么吸引人的地方吗?Desk clerk: It's famous for beautiful countryside with clean air.接待员:它因美丽的乡村景色和清新...
2024-09-05Traveler: Have you any tour route to Budapest?游客:有去布达佩斯的线路吗?Desk clerk: Yes.I have,sir.How long are you going on vocation?接待员:有的,先生。您有多长时间的假期?Traveler...