
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情

实用生活英语句子 174句(二)


51、What do you do for exercise?

51、You are something else!

52、YOu are out of sight!

53、You rule!  你太牛了!

54、I've been studing/working my tail off!

55、I've got to cram for a test tomorrow.

56、Hey,How did your English test go?

57、Wow! Holy cow! That's great!

58、oh! No! That's terrible! 噢,太糟糕了!

59、What the heck is that? 究竟是怎么一回事?

60、Hey,what the heck is going on?

61、Darn it all! Gush! Darn it! 该死的!

62、Get to the point. 言归正传。

63、as a matter of fact  事实上

64、to get cold feet  吓的毛发直竖。

65、to give someone the cold shoulder  冷落某人

66、How did you say this word? 这个单词该怎么发音

67、I don't understand. 我不知道。

68、What's for breakfast? 早餐有些什么?

69、What do you want to have for breakfast?

70、Would you like some coffee,juice or milk?

71、step into my office 到我办公室来!

72、Can I see you in my office? 到我办公室来一下好吗?

73、Can I talk with you for a little while? 我能和您谈谈吗?

74、I am a little a bit busy right now,can we talk later?

75、Sure,no problem,right away! 没问题,马上就来!

76、What is it you wanted to talk to me about? 你想和我谈什么?

77、What is it? 你向谈什么?

78、Thank you very much for your time. 多谢您能抽空和我谈话。

79、Can you give me a hand? 能帮帮我吗?

80、Sure,no Porblem. 当然,没问题。

81、Now's a bad time. Can we do it later?

82、Thanks  for the hand. 谢谢您帮忙!

83、Can I buy you a drink? 我能请您喝一杯吗?

84、This one's on me . 我请客。

85、I'll drink to that! 我同意!

86、Would you like another round? 想再喝一圈吗?

87、I've had a hard day. 我今天过的真糟糕。

88、I'm fed up with... 我实在难以忍受...

89、I'm sick and tired of ...   我受不了...

90、I've had it up to here with...  我真受不了...

91、I really wish...   我多么希望...

92、Catch you later,buddy! 再见,老兄!

93、Take care! 保重!

94、See ya' later!/See ya'!/Later!  再见!

   Adios! 西班牙语   Ciao! 意大利语    Au revoir!  法语

96、I didn't sleep a wink. 我简直没合过眼。

97、I slept like a log.  我睡的真沉!

98、My job is a nightmare. 我的工作(不好)真是噩梦啊!

99、Is your friend available?  你的朋友有男朋友吗?

100、Oh! She is already taken.  哦!她已经有男朋友了。
