
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


Hello, everyone,

I am a new comer. I don't know too much about this bbs, and blog either. But I want to share the experience I have about learning English with all friends here. I prepare a series of course to help you use American English better and understand American culture better. I didn't mean to be a teacher. Let's study together. I also would like to answer your questions related to English learning and American culture. If I don't know the exact answer, I will try to find a correct one for you. Now, I'll say, I am a human being, and I can make any mistakes. But I will try my best to avoid the mistakes. If you found any, please let me know. I will thank you very much. Sorry for this long introduction. Let's take a look at what we gonna learn today.

1) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Yeah, we have been going out for two years.

注: 这是一个比较普通直接的问法,相信有英文基础的朋友都知道的。关键想介绍给大家的是回答中的一个短语:going out。这里是“交往”的意思哦,可别搞错了! 现在就请感兴趣的朋友来联系一下吧。说说你自己的回答,把两年替换成别的时间,比如半年,一年等等。切忌,我希望大家都能掌握简单常用的美语,所以才把这一系列叫做“实用美语”,光会看不会说可不叫实用哦!一定要讲出声音才可以呢!加油哦!

2)Are you seeing anyone?
Unfortunately not.

注:seeing anyone不知道你以前是否有遇到过这个说法。 它是“有固定异性朋友”的一种表达方式。现在用这个断语问问你身边的朋友“Are you seeing anyone?"是不是很简单,easy to remember? 回答呢是很常用方式,不光在回答这个问题的时候,任何问题,当你想表达 “可惜,没有” “可惜,不是”等意思的时候,都可以用。注意unfortunately,是用副词形式,有"ly"的,别搞混喽。

3)Are you single?
Yes, I am still available.
是的。 我还是“活会”呢。

注:经常听人说“我死会了 ”。 现在出来个“活会”。 那么你是不是会说“不,我已经死会了” 呢? 这里说个题外话,是我上学的时候和好朋友之间开过的一个玩笑。当时在讲说我打算去读MBA, 结果我的朋友就开玩笑说我是MBA,Married but available. 这也算MBA的一个新名词解释吧!

课程的结尾呢,介绍一个有关美国文化的短语,作为调剂吧! [High School Sweetheart]。 这是“高中甜心”的意思。众所周知,美国人很早就谈恋爱了。那这个短语就专门用来形容这时候的关系的。We were high school sweethearts. He's my high school sweetheart.他是我高中的甜心。

好啦,虽然课程很短,不过我的原则就是少而精,只要你能记住今天这些并经常运用,那么你至少在这一方面已经取得了很大的成就哦,可别小瞧它!从简单开始,日积月累,最后,我们就是生活口语专家!让我们一起成功!See you next time and have a great day.
