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   Situation: Mary asks her daughter, Lily, why she is eating so little, and Lily tells her that she is on a diet.

情境: 玛莉问她的女儿莉莉为什么吃那么少,莉莉告诉她自己正在节食。

   Mary: Lily, you're eating like a bird.

玛丽: 莉莉,你吃得太少了。

Lily: I just can't eat any more.

莉莉: 我真的吃不下了。

Mary: Is anything wrong with you?

玛丽: 你不舒服吗?

Lily: No, Mom. I'm all right. I'm on a diet.

莉莉: 不,妈。我没事。 我在节食。

Mary: On a diet? Don't be silly. You're slim enough.

玛丽: 节食?别傻了。 你已经够苗条了。

Lily: I'm putting on weight.

莉莉: 我正在发胖。

Mary: Would you like a piece of meat pie? It's your favorite.

玛丽: 你想吃一块肉饼吗?你最喜欢吃的。

Lily: No, thanks.

莉莉: 不,谢谢。

Mary: Come on, now. You've hardly eaten anything.

玛丽: 吃一点吧。你几乎没吃什么东西呢。

Lily: Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece.

莉莉: 好吧。也许我可以吃一小块。

Mary: Please do.

玛丽: 请吧。
