
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


   Situation: John is shopping at the supermarket ,but he can't find anything, so he asks a clerk for help.
情境: 约翰在超商购物但找不到他所要买的东西,于是请求店员帮忙。

Clerk: Can I help you, sir?

店员: 我能帮忙吗,先生?

John: Yes. I'm at a complete loss. I'm looking for the sugar.

约翰: 是的。我完全搞不清楚这地方。 我在找糖。

Clerk: Sugar? It's in the food section, on aisle B.

店员: 糖?在食品部,B 走道。

John: I'm sorry. Did you say aisle D?

约翰: 对不起。你是说 D 走道吗?

Clerk: I said, "B".

店员: 我说的是‘B’。

John: Oh, I see. Thanks very much.

约翰: 哦,我知道了。非常感谢。

Clerk: My pleasure.

店员: 我的荣幸。

John: One more thing, could you tell me where the household supplies are?

约翰: 还有, 你能告诉我家庭用品部在什么地方吗?

Clerk: You bet. Go down this aisle and turn left.

店员: 当然可以。沿着这走道走到底,然后左转。

John: Thanks. You've been very helpful.

约翰: 谢谢。你帮了大忙。
