
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



    Situation: John orders his meal after he takes a minute to decide what he wants.

情境: 约翰在考虑要吃什么之后点餐。

Waitress: Good evening, sir. Here's your menu.

女服务生: 先生,晚安。这是菜单。

John: OK. Give me a minute to look it over, please.

约翰: 好。给我几分钟,让我看一下。

Waitress: Take your time. I'll be with you in a moment.

女服务生: 您慢慢看。 我等会儿就过来。

Narrator: (a moment later)

讲述者: (过了一会儿)

Waitress: May I take your order now, sir?

女服务生: 先生,现在可以帮您点菜了吗?

John: Yes, please. I'd like to start with the chicken soup.

约翰: 可以了。我想先来一份鸡汤。

Waitress: What would you like for your main course?

女服务生: 主菜您想点什么?

John: Filet mignon, please.

约翰: 菲力牛排。

   Waitress: How would you like that done?

女服务生: 您要几分熟?

John: Medium rare.

约翰: 四分熟的。

Waitress: Anything for dessert?

女服务生: 要点甜点吗?

John: No. I'll order dessert later.

约翰: 不。我过一会儿再点。
