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At the Porcelain Shop 在瓷器店(2)


Mr Bell:Oh,it must be most precious. Can I have a look?

A:Yes,sir. It is known to be“as white as jade and as thinas paper”

Mr Bell:No wonder it's so expensive. I'll take it.

A:Shall I wrap them together or separately?

Mrs Bell:Separately,please. What do they come to in round figures?

A:Altogether 356 yuan.

Mrs Bell:Here is 360 yuan.

Shop Assistant:(Counting money)Sir,there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it,sir?

Mr Bell:I'm awfully sorry. I've made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here's another thirty yuan.


Dialogue B

(A:shop assistant B:Mr Jones C:Mrs Jones)

B:(to A)Where do these flower vases come from?What are they made of?

A:They come from Jiangxi Province. The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.

B:Are they breakable?

A:No,if you take some care when you use them.

B:Oh,I see. (to C)Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks?

C:Let me see. Lions,camels,elephants,deer…I like the camels best. (to A) Are they light in weight?

A:Yes,they are. They are not only ornamental,but also useful. You can put things inside. You see,you can takethe lid off.

C:Well,we'll buy a camel.


Words and Expressions 

porcelain    n. 瓷;[总称]瓷器

tiny    a. 极小的;微小的

camel    n. 骆驼

deer    n. 鹿

ornamental    a. 装饰的 n. 装饰品

lid    n. 盖子

china    n. 瓷器

egg-shell    n. 蛋壳(色)(~china)薄胎瓷器

tableware    n. 餐具
