1. She glanced round the room before she left. 她略微环视了一下房间才离开。 2. The glasses glanced and twinkled in the firelight. 杯子在炉火照耀下闪闪发亮。 3. He gave her an admiring glance. 他向她投以敬慕的一瞥。 4. I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割伤了我的手。 5. He put down his glass. 他放下杯子。 6. His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory. 他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。 7. The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory. 泰吉·玛哈尔陵在明亮的月光下显得光彩夺目。 8. There is a glow of health in his face. 他的脸容光焕发。 9. Where does this road go to? 这条路通向哪? 10. I must be going. 我该走了。 11. How are things going? 事情进行得如何? 12. Can you distinguish goat from sheep? 你能把山羊和绵羊区分开吗? 13. Your future here is golden. 你在这里的前途是光辉灿烂的。 14. This is a good place for a picnic. 这是一个野餐的好地方。 15. Smoking is not good for your health. 吸烟对你的健康没有好处。 16. The country has always had fair government. 这个国家一直治理得不错。 17. She wore a black silk evening gown. 她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。 18. She performed on the balance beam with much grace. 她在平衡木上表演得非常优美。 19. We were graced with the presence of the Queen. 女王光临,我们感到不胜荣幸。 20. He is in the third grade. 他读三年级。 21. I got good grades last term. 上学期,我的分数很高。 22. He's not in the first grade as a musician. 他不是第一流的音乐家。 23. I will go to visit my grandmother next week. 下星期我要去看我的外婆。 24. I grant that your explanation is reasonable. 我承认你的解释是合理的。 25. He was granted his freedom on the condition that he leave the country. 他已获准恢复自由,条件是他离开这个国家。 26. He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。 27. We play football on the grass. 我们在草地上踢足球。 28. Is there life beyond the grave? 人死后有来生吗? 29. The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。 30. His face turned gray as he heard the bad news. 听到这个坏消息后,他的脸变得苍白。 31. He dressed in gray. 他穿灰色衣服。 32. It was a great loss to us all. 这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的损失。 33. What a great idea! 好主意! 34. He is a great talker. 他是一个非常健谈的人。 35. His writing has improved greatly in this semester. 这学期他的写作有了很大进步。 36. The country is very green in spring. 春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 37. Green apples are sour. 未成熟的苹果是酸的。 38. He greeted her with a loving hug. 他以一个深情的拥抱来迎接她。 39. His speech was greeted by loud cheers. 他的演讲受到了热烈的欢呼。 40. I woke up and was greeted by bird song. 我一觉醒来,鸟鸣之声不绝于耳。 41. The poor woman was buried in grief after her son died. 这个可怜的妇人在儿子死后一直沉浸在悲痛之中。 42. The branch broke and fell to the ground. 树枝断了,落在地上。 43. English belongs to the Germanic group of languages. 英语属于日尔曼语系。 44. He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。 45. We can group animals into many types. 我们可以把动物分成很多种类。 46. This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。 47. In time you'll grow to like him. 到时候你会喜欢他的。 48. There are soldiers on guard at the gate. 大门口有士兵在守卫。 49. The dog guarded the house against strangers. 狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。 50. I guess her age as 35. 我猜她有35岁。 51. Make a guess at the answer. 猜一下答案。 52. They are coming to the party as my guests. 他们作为我的客人出席晚会。 53. She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。 54. These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 这些哲学观点可以作为处世指南。 55. He guided the man through the streets to the railway station. 他带这个人走过街道到火车站。 56. It's illegal to carry guns in our country. 在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。 57. My hair has grown very long. 我的头发长得很长了。 58. Half of them are here. 半数人来了。 59. Half the car was damaged. 车子毁了一半。 60. The girl left her homework half done. 这女孩只做完了一半作业。 61. The lecture is to be delivered at the hall. 演讲将在大厅进行。 62. He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer. 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。 63. The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts. 教师一直设法把这些事实灌输给学生。 64. It was written by hand. 这是手写的。 65. This clock has three hands. 这块表有三个指针。 66. Please hand me that book. 请把那本书递给我。 67. Pick up the typewriter case by the handle. 抓住把手,把打字机箱子拿起来。 68. Customers are asked not to handle the goods in the shop. 请顾客不要触摸商店里的货物。 69. He's not a very good teacher---he doesn't know how to handle children. 他不是一个好的老师---他不懂得如何对待孩子。 70. Her husband is a very handsome young man. 她丈夫是一个非常英俊的年轻人。 71. You may hang your coat on the hook. 你可以把外套挂在钩子上。 72. He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. 妻子死后,他因悲伤而自缢。 73. I happened to see her yesterday. 我昨天碰巧见到她。 74. The accident happened at six o'clock. 事故发生在六点钟。 75. His marriage is full of happiness. 他的婚姻生活很幸福。 76. I wish you a happy birthday. 祝你生日快乐。 77. That was not a very happy remark. 那不是很恰当的话。 78. This harbor is a natural harbor. 这个港口是天然港。 79. It's hard to know what he's really thinking. 很难知道他真正在想什么。 80. That was a hard time. 那是一段艰难的日子。 81. They work very hard. 他们工作非常努力。 82. I can hardly wait to hear the news. 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 83. Hardly had the game begun when it started raining. 比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。 84. His failures did his reputation a lot of harm. 他屡次失败使他的声誉受到很大损害。 85. It wouldn't do him any harm to work a bit harder. 工作努力点对他没什么害处。 86. There was a traffic accident in this street, but no one was harmed. 这街上发生了交通事故,但没有人受伤。 87. We are all very busy because it's the harvest time. 因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 88. We all helped the harvest. 我们都帮忙收割。 89. The peasants are harvesting rice in the field. 农民们正在田野里收割稻子。 90. Haste makes waste. 欲速而不达。 91. She bought a hat yesterday. 她昨天买了一顶帽子。 92. They hate each other. 他们彼此憎恨。 93. She hates to be late for work. 她不喜欢上班迟到。 94. She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他 |