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12. More two-word Verbs 又一些成语动词

12.More Two-word Verbs 又一些成语动词            A: I hadn't finished telling you about two-word verbs, Bob.            B: Do I have to hear more? I'm not sure I can follow it.            A: Sure you can. This part is the most interesting.            B: Okay. Go ahead.            A: Well, here are sentences with two-word verbs with objects:            I can't get over            I can't get it over            I can't get over it            I can't get him over it             They all mean different things            B: Can you explain how they're different?            A: Each part or both parts of the two-word verb can have an object.             The verb may have different meanings with different objects, or             different arrangements of object. Is that clear? You look confused.            B: I'm not confused, I was just thinking.            Notes            Follow-understand            Get over 越过(如篱笆)            Get it over 解释,讲清楚            Get over it 从(惊吓、疾病)恢复过来            Get him over it 使他忘却(遗憾、悲伤)            A:鲍勃,关于成语动词,我还没有对你讲完。            B:我还需要听你讲吗?我不知道是否能理解。            A:你当然能理解。这一部分是最有意思的。            B:好,说吧。            A:嗯,下列这些句子里的成语动词有宾语:            I can't get over            I can't get it over            I can't get over it            I can't get him over it             这些句子的意思都不相同。            B:你能否解释一下怎么不同?            A:成语动词的每个部分或两个部分可以有一个宾语。动词加上不同的宾语或宾语的不同组合,就可以有不同的含意。清楚了吗?你好像弄糊涂了。            B:我没有糊涂。我只是在思考
