
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


1.Smoked Salmon and Aperitif

Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir?

Customer:I am afraid not.

H.W:Just a moment,please.

H.W:I'm very sorry,we’re full now.Would you mind waiting about ten minutes,sir?

C:No,I don't mind.

H.W:Here is the chair,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting,sir.

C:Okay?Thank you.

H.W:This way,please.

C:Thank you.

H.W:Is this table all right?

C:Yes,good.I don't have much time tonight.I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby.

H.W:Is that right,sir?


C:Thank you.

Captain:May I take your order,sir?

C:Yes,I want to have this smoked salmon.Is it good?

Cap:Yes,very good,sir.It is Japanese origin,and it comes from Hokkaido,north area of Japan.

C:Oh,yes?Hokkaido,I know.The Winter Olympic Games were held there several years ago.

Cap:Yes,that's right,sir.Have you been there,sir?

C:No,I've never been there.But I know it by newspapers that the Olympic Games were held at Sapporo.

Cap:I see.

Cap:Anything else,sir?

C:No,nothing else.But I'd like to have a Scotch on the rocks.That’s all tonight.

Cap:Certainly.Just a moment,please.


Waiter:Scotch on the rocks,sir.

C:Thank you.

W:Smoked salmon,sir.

C:Oh,it looks nice.Thank you.

C:Captain.This smoked salmon is very good.Excellent.May I have some more capers?

Cap:Thank you,sir.Right now,sir.

Cap:Take your time,please.

C:Thank you.But now it's eight ten.What time is it by your watch?

Cap:It's eight ten also.My watch is correct.


W:Here is your check,sir.


C:Well,I've to go now.

C:How much I owe you?

Cashier:Twenty three hundred and thirty yen,sir.Ten percent service charge and tax are included,sir.

C:Oh,it's a reasonable price.Okay.

Ca:Thank you,sir.Good night,sir.

C:Good night.

2.Cocktails and Simple Relish

Head Waiter:Good afternoon,sir.

Customer:A table for one,please.

H.W:Yes,sir.I'll seat you,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:Please be seated.

C:Okay,thank you.

H.W:The waiter brings the menu right now,sir.

C:Thank you.

Waiter:Here is the menu,sir.What would you like this afternoon?

C:Let me see……,don't you have cheese-burget?

W:No,sir.We serve it in the coffee shop on the first floor.

C:Oh,I see.Do you have any snack or something light?

W:Well,I can recommend this chief's salad,containing ham,turkey,cheese,tomato,celery,stuffed egg,anchovies on crisp lettuce served with our special dressing,sir.

C:I see,I'll try it.Just a moment.I’ll have a dry Martini before that.Make it extra dry.Do you have any simple relish?I mean appetizers.

W:How about cheese-and-crackers,potato chips,ham,cheese and salami sausage?


W:All right,sir.Just a moment.

W:Very dry martini,sir.

C:Thank you.

W:This is American Kraft cheese and crackers,sir.


W:May I serve you chef's salad now?


W:How do you find our special dressing?

C:Yes,good,thank you.

W:Are you through,sir?

C:I'm through.

W:Would you like coffee or tea?

C:Coffee in a regular cup,please.

W:This is special sugar for coffee.This is granulated sugar,sir.

C:I like granulated sugar better.

W:Here is the check,sir.

W:Five thousand yen bill,sir.

W:Here is your change.Thank you.

C:Thank you.This is for you.

W:Thank you,sir.Come again,please.

3.Drinks from The Bar

Head Waiter:Good afternoon.This way,please.

Customer:Thank you.

H.W:Here is the menu,sir.


Waiter:Would you like anything to drink from the bar?

C:Yes,I'd like to have a C.C. water.



C:Thank you.Leave the menu here.I'll order later.

W:Yes,sir.Take your time,please.

W:May I help you,sir?

C:Yes,I'll order my meal now.


C:I'll have oysters on half shell,chili con carne and garlic toast.Do you serve garlic toast?

W:That's all right.We’ll serve it.

C:Okay,thank you.

W:Oysters on half shell and garlic toast.

C:That's right.

W:Excuse me,oysters on half shell,sir.

C:Thank you.

C:Hum……,waiter,oysters are very good.

W:Thank you,sir.Oysters are now in season in Japan.Especially,from October to February.

C:Is that right?

W:Chili con carne,sir.


C:This is also good taste.Delicious.During my army life,I had very good chili con carne in the officers' mess.

W:Is that right,sir?I had been working in the officers' mess of the American armed forces after the Second Great War.

C:Oh,you did.

W:I remember that the chili con carne was very good taste.

C:Yes,very good.

C:Now,I am retired.Civilian.

W:Oh,you are.How long are you staying in Japan?

C:Tonight,I've to fly back to my country.

W:Oh,I regret that you are leaving so soon.

W:May I clear your table,sir?


W:Dessert menu,sir.

C:Do you have old fashioned strawberry short cake?

W:I'm sorry,but it is served only in dinner time,sir.

C:Oh,what a pity!

C:I'll have this Irish coffee.No sweet.

W:Irish coffee.All right,sir.

C:And also bring me the check.

W:Thank you,sir.

C:Should I pay you or the cashier?


C:Thanks a lot.

W:Thank you,sir.Have a nice trip.

4.Caviar Romanoff and Steak

Captain:Good evening,sir.Two people.This way,please.


Cap:Watch your steps,please.

C:Okay,thank you.

Cap:Please be seated,sir.

C:Yes,I'd rather sit here.


C:Show me the menu,please.

Cap:Right now,sir.

Waiter:Good evening,sir.Have you decided?

C:Yes,we have decided.

C:I'll have chilled fresh caviar,tenderloin steak medium rare,tossed green salad with thousand island dressing and rolls-and-butter.

W:Yes,chiled fresh caviar,tenderloin steak medium rare,tossed green salad with thousand island dressing and rolls-and-butter.


W:What about the gentleman?

C:I think I believe……tomato soup no cream,and crabmeat curry-and-rice.That's all.

W:Yes,tomato soup no cream and crabmeat curry-and-rice.Just a minute,sir.

W:Would you care for anything to drink,sir?

C:Well,what shall we have……?

C:I'll have a bloody mary.

C:I'll have orange juice.

W:Which do you prefer fresh or canned?

C:Canned is all right.I don't touch any alcoholic drink.


W:Bloody mary and orange juice,sir.


W:Fresh caviar,sir.This is Romanoff caviar,sir.

C:Oh,very good,thank you.

W:Tomato soup,sir.Croutons,please.

C:Thank you.

W:Tenderloin steak,sir.Would you like lemon butter?

C:No,thank you.

W:Crabmeat curry-and-rice,sir.Here is condiment.

C:Okay,thank you.

C:Excuse me,waiter.Could I have some more water cress?

W:Cerainly,I will.

W:Here you are.

C:Thanks a lot.

W:Are you through,now?

C:Yes,we're all through.

W:Dessert menu,sir.Would you like any sweet,coffee or tea?

C:I'll take just coffee,demi tasse,please.

C:I'll have a banana split,and coffee in a regular cup.

W:You take just demi tasse,and you banana split and coffee in a regular cup.All right,sir.

W:Here is the check,sir.

C:Thank you.

C:The food is good and service is good.Every thing is fine.Thank you.

W:I'm very glad to hear that.Thank you very much.

5.Cocktails and Brandy

Head Waiter:Good evening.I'll seat you.This way,please.

Customer:Yes,thank you.

H.W:Please be seated.

C:Oh,it's too noisy.I didn’t come to listen in music.I've come to take dinner.


H.W:How about this seat,sir?

C:Yes,that will be fine.Thank you.

Waiter:Would you like anything to drink from the bar?

C:Dry martini,Beefeater,please.

W:Dry martini,Beefeater.All right,sir.

C:What's good on the menu today?

W:I think beef stroganoff is very good today,sir.

C:What comes with it?

W:Buttered spinach and noodles,sir.

C:Okay,I'll take beef stroganoff,and could I have buttered rice instead of noodles?


C:Thank you.

W:Would you like to have some soup or hors d'oeuvre?
