
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


C:I'd like to have baked French snails.

W:Baked French snails.Yes,sir.And some rolls?

C:Yes,some rolls.Thank you.

W:Dry martini,sir.


W:May I get you baked French snails now?

C:That's all right.Please.

W:There are several kinds of rolls,sir.

W:Soft roll,French bread,raisin bread,hard rolls,rye bread and plain bread.

C:Oh,so many kinds.

C:I'll have French bread and plain bread.One each.


W:The French snails are imported from France.

C:I know that.In France,they cultivate many edible snails export to many countries in the world.I like it very much.

C:Excuse me,waiter,let me have the menu again……Mashed potatoes are not on the menu.Can I have some mashed potatoes?If you please.

W:Just a moment,please.I'll ask the cook in the kitchen.


W:All right,sir.We can serve,sir.

C:Thank you.I'll pay the extra charge.

W:How do you find the beef stroganoff?

C:Hum,very good.Beef is very tender.

W:Enjoy your meal.

C:Thank you.

W:May I clear your table?

C:Yes,I've finished.

W:Dessert menu,sir.

C:I'll take just demi tasse and also Cognac.

W:What brand,sir?

C:Courvoisier Napoleon,please.

W:Demi tasse and Courvoisier Napoleon.Just a moment,please.

C:Excuse me,where is the man's room?

W:It's behind the screen,sir.

C:Thank you.I'll be back.


C:Tonight I've had very good time.The food is delicious,and service is very good.Excellent.

Head Waiter:Thank you very much,sir.Come again,please.

C:Thank you.You keep the change.

H.W:Thank you so much.Good night,sir.

6.Filet Mignon and wine

Customer:Do you have a table for five?

Captain:Yes,just a moment,please.

C:Thank you.

Cap:Sorry to have kept you waiting.This way,please.

C:Oh,that's fine.Good table.

C:Thank you,captain.

Cap:You're welcome.


C:Thank you.

C:Well,let's have some appetizers first.

C:Oh,here is the clams on half shell.Good.

C:How about the clams on half shell,ladies and gentlemen?

C:Yes,I'll have it also.

C:Yes,we are all the same.

C:Are the clams fresh,captain?

Cap:Yes,very good.That is the today's special cuisine.

Cap:Would you take beef steak or fish?

C:I would like to have the filet mignon and green salad.

Cap:What about the other ladies and gentlemen?

C:Okay,we'll have the same menu.

Cap;How would you like your steak,ma'am?

C:Make my steak medium rare,please.

C:My steak is medium rare also.

C:We three gentlemen are all medium.

Cap:All right.Two medium rare and three medium.Will you have some rolls?

C:Yes,everybody takes rolls.Thank you.

Cap:Thank you.Just a minute,please.

Wine Steward:Good evening.Would you like some wine?There's the wine list.

C:Yes,okay.We'll have some wine.

W.S:Why don't you try Chablis for clams on half shell?Chablis is very good wine,producing in Burgundy of France.And Chablis goes well with seafood.

C:Okay,we'll have that.Bring us one large bottle because we are five.

C:What is good for the steak?We ordered filet mignon to the captain already.

W.S:I think,Medoc,red wine goes well with it.

C:I see.Give us a large bottle for the steak.

W.S:Very well,sir.

Waiter:Clams on half shell,please.

C:Okay,it looks very fresh.

Cap:When I went to the United States several years ago,I had very good clams in Boston.

C:Oh,you had.Did you go to the Jimmy's Harbar Side Restaurant?

Cap:Yes,Jimmy's Harbar Side Restaurant is very big restaurant specializing in seafood.

C:Yes,very famous.

Cap:When I went to the restaurant,I had the fresh clams and a very big lobster.

C:Is that right?

Waiter:Filet mignon steak,please.

C:Yes.Are these the Kobe beef?

W:Yes,Kobe beef,ma'am?


W:May I clear you table?

C:Yes,please.We enjoyed our meal.Thank you.

Cap:Dessert menu,please.

C:Yes,what shall we have……?

C:Ladies and gentlemen,how about baked Alaska?

C:Okay we'll take also the same.

C:Coffee or tea?

C:Everybody takes coffee.


Wine steward:Why don't you have dessert wine?

C:What do you recommend for our desserts?

W.S:Sautermes,that is French wine,goes well with it,I think.

C:Oh,I know.It is the Bordeaux wine,isn't it?

W.S:Yes,it is,sir.

C:Let's have that wine,please.


C:Thank you.

C:Thanks a lot tonight,captain.

Cap:Thank you very much.

C:We have had a very good dinner.We are full now.Thank you.

Cap:Thank you very much.Good night.

C:Good night.

C:I'll see you.

7.Tournedos Rossini and Caesar Salad

Head Waiter:May I help you?

Customer:Oh,no.I'm looking for my friend.Thank you.

C:Well,my friend hasn't come yet.Can I have a table for two?

H.W:Very well,sir.This way,please.

H.W:Do you wait for a while,sir?

C:Yes,I'll wait till my friend comes.I want to take some drink.Give me Suntory straight and water chaser,please.

H.W:Certainly,sir.Suntory whisky straight and water chaser.I'll serve it right away,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:May I help you?

C:My friend is supposed to be here.I'm little late.

H.W:Is that right,sir?I think the gentleman,having a seat over there,is waiting for you.

C:Oh,yes.He is.Thank you.

C:Sorry,I'm late.The street was very crowded with many cars.What time did you come?

C:I came ten minutes before seven.

C:Shall we take dinner now?

C:What kind of whisky is that?

C:Japanese Suntory.

C:Oh,good.But I'd like to have dry martini,Noilly Plat,Okay?Captain.

Cap:All right,dry martini,Noilly Plat.Just a moment,please.

C:Let me have the menu,please.


Waiter:Have you decided?

C:Yes,we have decided.

C:what is this soup?

W:It is the turtle clear soup,sir.

C:Oh,it seems nice.I'll try it.And tournedos Rossini,Caesar salad and French bread.

W:Very well,sir.

W:What about the gentleman?

C:I think I'll have crabmeat cocktail,sole meuniere and small portion of buttered rice.

C:What garnishes come with the sole?

W:Just a boiled potato,sir.

C:Just one boiled potato?You should serve more vegetables with it.Okay,I'll take some more boiled potatoes.I’ll pay you extra charge.

W:Don't you take any soup?

C:No soup.

C:Just a moment.I'm hungry.I’ll have some meat.What is the Chaliapin steak?

W:It is thin sirloin steak,topped with some chopped and sauteed onions.It is served with sauce bordelaise.

C:Okay,I'll take that.No garnishes.Just meat,Okay?

W:All right,sir.

W:How would you like your steak tournedos,sir?

C:Make is medium rare,please.

W:Medium rare.All right,sir.

C:Excuse me,waiter.May I change my order?


C:I want to have this waldorf salad instead of the Caesar salad.

W:All right,sir.But our Caesar salad is very good.Many people like this salad.

C:Is that right?I'll take it next time.Thank you.


W:Shall I make out separate checks?

C:Yes,separate checks.

C:Yes,sir.Just a moment,please.

W:Are you through,sir?

C:Yes,we are all through,thank you.

W:Would you like to have any sweet or fruit?

C:Do you have Japanese persimmon?

W:Yes,it is now in season.

C:I'll have it.That’s all.

C:Well,let me see……,I'll take a tangerine.Do you have it?

W:Yes,we have,sir.

C:Any coffee in a regular cup.

W:Tangernie and coffee in a regular cup.All right,sir.

C:Well,thanks a lot.We enjoyed it.

W:Yes,please.Thank you very much.

C:Thank you.

8.Chateaubriand and French Fries

Head Waiter:Good afternoon.


H.W:Yes,sir.This way,please.

H.W:I'll bring the menu right now.

C:Thank you.

C:It's too hot.Don’t you think so,head waiter?

H.W:Yes,Sorry,sir.I'll adjust the temperature right now,sir.


Captain:Would you like anything to drink from the bar?

C:I'd like to have caffeine free coffee during my meal.

C:I'll take regular coffee with my meal,too.

Cap:Shall I make your coffee weak?

C:Yes,if you please.Thank you.

Cap:What would you like for your lunch,sir?

C:Don't you have T-bone steak?


Cap:Why don't you take chateaubriand steak?That is for two people as you see on the menu.It’s very big.

C:Okay,we'll take it.
