
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


Cap:How would you like your steak,sir?

C:Medium rare,please.

Cap:Medium rare.All right,sir.

C:Oh,Idaho potatoes.Good.

Cap:And also tossed green salad for the side dish.

C:All right.Could we have some celery sticks for two on the same plate now?


Cap:Would you please wait for about fifteen minutes to cook the steak,sir?

C:Okay.We don't care.No hurry.

Cap:Thank you,sir.

Cap:Chateaubriand steak,sir.

C:Oh,it's very big!It seems very nice.

Cap:Thank you,sir.

C:This French fries are very good taste.Idaho potatoes!

Cap:Thank you,sir.Now,in Japan,many Idaho potatoes are imported from the United States.

C:Is that right?

Cap:Enjoy your meal.

C:Thank you.

C:Excuse me,waiter.Could I have steak sauce?

Waiter:Yes,right away,sir.

W:This is A-1 sauce,sir.

C:Okay,thank you.

Manager:This is grill room manager speaking.May I ask your name,please?


Mgr:Mr.P.F.Anderson.P.F.a,n,d,e,r,s,o,n.Just a moment,please.

Mgr:Excuse me,are you Mr.Anderson?


Mgr:You have a phone call from your office,sir.

C:Thank you.

Mgr:I'll show you,sir.

C:Thank you.

C:I haven't finished yet,waiter.I’ll be back.


C:Well,I've got to go back to my office.


W:Would you please pay at the cashier's counter?


C:Captain.We enjoyed the meal.Japanese steak is good,and also potatoes are good.Thanks a lot.

Cap:Thank you,sir.Come again,sir.

9.The Service of Roast Beef

Head Waiter:Good evening,ma'am.Just one?

Customer:Yes,just one.Please.

H.W:Yes,this way,please.

C:Thank you.

H.W:Please be seated.

C:Thank you.

Captain:Would you like anything to drink before your meal?

C:Yes,I'd like to have to lemonade.And put just a little bit of port wine in it,please.


Waiter:May I have your order,ma'am?

C:What is good on the menu today?

W:Roast beef is very good today,ma'am?

C:Is that right?I'll try it.

C:What cooked vegetables come with it?

W:Yorkshine pudding,a baked potato and green peas.

C:Very good.Thank you.

W:Would you like any hors-d'oeuvre or soup?

C:No,I'll take some green salad with my roast beef.And French bread.

W:Yes,ma'am.Just a moment,please.

C:Oh,trolley service!Fine.

W:how would you like your beef cut?

C:I would like to have it medium.


C:All right.Very good,thank you.

C:This beef is very tender.I live in London.In London,there are very good restaurants specializing in roast beef.

W:Yes,I have heard of it.I've never been to England.But several years ago,I went to America.And I remember that I had very good roast beef in Los Angeles.

C:Do you remember the name of the restaurant?

W:Yes,I do.Lawry's.

C:Yes,that's right.I have been there once.Very good restaurant.

W:Yes,very good.I went to the restaurant by myself at night.At the entrance,I said to the manger that I came from Japan.The manager gave me a good seat.

As soon as a waitress showed me the menu,the manager put the small Japanese flag on my table-the rising flag.I was surprised.

C:Is that right?

W:Your roast beef is ready.Enjoy our roast beef,please.

C:Thank you.

W:Just a moment,please.I'll be back.I’ve to take care of another customer.One moment,please.

C:Yes,I'll wait.Thank you.

W:How do you find our roast beef,ma'am?

C:Hurm,very good.It's very good as well as I have ever had in London.

W:Thank you,ma'am.I’m very glad to hear it.

W:Well,I will tell you about the Lawry's in Los Angeles again.A gracious waitress spins the bowl of coud,crisp greens on a bed of crushed ice

and seasons it with a flourish-salt and pepper,and she dramatically pours French dressing from high over the mixing bow,tosses and dishes up the salad on chilled plate.

Then a gleaming stainless steel cart appears at my table and the chef-carver rolls back the lid to display three beautiful sevenbone prime ribs.

It was very fine service at Lawry's at that time.Still I remember.

C:You were very happy,I think.Thank you for telling me a very interesting story during your stay in America.

W:Thank you,ma'am.

W:May I clear your table?


W:How long are you going to stay in Taiwan?

C:A couple of days.

W:Oh,you will leave Taiwan pretty soon.

W:Dessert menu,ma'am.

C:Well,what shall I have……

C:Could I have a cup of milk tea?


W:Would you take any fruit or cake?

C:No,thank you.I'm full now.I’ve had very good roast beef tonight.Thank you.

W:Thank you.I will serve milk tea right now,ma'am.

C:Thank you.

W:Here is your bill,ma'am.

C:Should I pay at the cashier's counter?


C:Excuse me.Will you accept traveller's check?

Cashier:Yes,you can use the traveller's check.

C:Thank you.

Ca:Thank you,ma'am.

C:Thank you,good night.

Ca:Good night,ma'am.

10.Bouillabaisse a la Marseillaise

Head Waiter:Good evening,sir.Do you have a reservation,sir?

Customer:No,I don't.

H.W:I'm sorry,but we have no vacant seat at the moment,sir.Could you wait at the bar,please?

C:All right.I'll wait.

H.W:Sorry,sir.I'll let you know as soon as your table is ready,sir.

C:Okay,thank you.

Bartender:Good evening,sir.What would you like to drink,sir?

Customer:Tom Collins,please.

B:Then Collins.Yes,sir.

B:Would you like any snack?

C:No.I'm waiting for my table.The restaurant is full now.

B:Is that right,sir?

Head Waiter:I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting.Your table is ready,sir.

C:Thank you.

H.W:I'll take this to your table,sir.

C:Thank you.

Captain:Good evening,sir.Please be seated.

C:Thank you.Good table.

Cap:Menu,please.This is the today's special.This is a la carte,sir.


C:I'll call you,when I decide my order.

Cap:All right,sir.

Cap:Yes,sir.Have you decided?

C:Yes,What is the bouillabaisse a la Marseillaise?I don't understand French cuisine.

Cap:It is a French seafood cuisine.Flathead,searobin,lobster,clarm and some other seafood cooked in broth and flavored soup with saffron.It is very famous as cuisine Marseillaise in France.

C:Oh,yes!It seems nice.I'll try it.

Cap:I don't think you need soup.We serve these seafood in good broth.

C:Yes,I think so.

Cap:How about some appetizers before that?

C:Yes,first of all,I would like to have lettuce salad with oil and vinegar.And some rolls with the seafood cuisine.Do you have good coffee?

Cap:Yes,very good,sir.Shall I get you coffee with your salad?

C:Yes,with my salad,please.

Cap:All right,sir.

Waiter:Excuse,me.Here is your salad,sir.

C:Oh,no.This is not what I ordered.I don't take pimento and onion either.I ordered just head lettuce salad with oil and vinegar.Could you change it?

W:I'm sorry,sir.I’ll change it right away,sir.


W:Sorry to have kept you waiting.Head lettuce and oil and vinegar.

C:Yes,good.The lettuce is very crisp.

W:Thank you,sir.

W:May I get you bouillabaisse now?


W:How do you like it,sir?

C:Yes,very delicious.Now I have known this cuisine.I'll try the bouillabaisse in France as I have a chance to be in France one of these days.

W:Thank you,sir.I've never been to France.I wish I could go to France,Switzerland,England and America for studying the respective cuisines and services sometime in near future.

W:May I clear your table?


W:Dessert menu,sir.

C:Well,I'd like to have some petits fours and demit tasse coffee.

W:Petits fours and demi tasse.Yes,sir.

C:Excuse me.will you do me a favor?

W:Yes.What can I do for you,sir?

C:I want to have my hair cut tomorrow morning.Is there a barber shop in this hotel?

W:Yes,it is on the first basement,sir.

C:I see,thank you.

C:Can I have my check now?

W:Thank you,sir.Right away,sir.

W:Here is your check,sir.

C:Here you are.Never mind the change.

W:It's very kind of you,sir.

W:Good night,sir.

C:Good night.

11.Assorted Cold Cuts and Consomme en Tasse

Hostess:Good evening.We have a table.Please.

Customer:Thank you.

H:Please be seated.

C:Can I have a table near the window?

H:I'm sorry,but window side are all reserved.
