粮油食品类 cereals,oils and foodstuffs 化工产品类 chemical products 土畜产类 native produce &animal by-products 机械产品类 machinery products 纺织丝绸类 textiles and silks 仪器产品类 instrumental products 轻工业产品类 light industrial products 五金矿产类 metals & minerals 工艺品类 arts and crafts 技术出口类 technology exports 医药类 medicines and drugs 粮油食品类 粮谷(Cereals) 肉食(Meats) 蛋品(Eggs and Egg Products) 豆类(Beans and Peas) 水果(Fruits) 蔬菜(Vegetables) 油籽(Oilseeds) 罐头(Canned Goods) 酒(Wines,Beers and Liquors) 油品(Oils) 软饮料(Soft Drinks) 糖果(Confectioneries) 糖(Sugar) 饼干(Biscuits) 奶制品(Dairy product) 米制品(Rice product) 面制品(Flour product) 方便食品(convenient Foods) 花生制品(Groundnut products) 调味品(Condiments) 盐(Salts) 杂项食品(Miscellaneos products) 饲料(Feedstuffs) 土畜产品 土产品(Native Products) 工业原料(Industrial Raw Materials) 畜产制品(Animal By-Products) 纺织丝绸类 原料类(Raw Materials) 半成品(Semi-Manufactured Goods) 成品(Manufactured Goods) 轻工业产品类 |