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《英语口语王》第3部分:第三章 家庭消费b


第三节 美容美发



你的头发怎么了? What have you done to your hair?

A: I hardly recognized you. What have you done to your hair?


B: Like it? I got a few highlights at the beauty salon.


我想染头发。 I want to have it dyed.

=I want to dye my hair.

=I’d like to have my hair tinted.

A: I want to have it dyed. 我想染头发。

B: What color were you thinking about?


请给我看看颜色表。 Show me a color chart, please.

A: Would you like to do hair coloring? 您染发吗?

B: Show me a color chart, please. 请给我看看颜色表。

我想把头发染成棕色。 I’d like my hair dyed brown.

◆Could you make me a blond? 你能帮我染成金发吗?

◆Could you cover my gray hair? 请将我的白发染色?

会退色吗? Will it fade?

A: Will it fade? 会退色吗?

B: It won’t fade until in three months. 三个月后才会退色。

染发后需要注意些什么? Are there any tips for my dyed hair?

A: Are there any tips for my dyed hair?


B: You don’t wash your hair until next Monday.


这样行吗? Is this all right?

A: Is this all right? 这样行吗?

B: Yes, well done. 行,挺好的。

你把我的头发弄得太好了。 You’ve done a great job with my hair.

A: You’ve done a great job with my hair.


B: I’m glad you like it. That style really suits you fine.

