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漫谈美语固定用法 字里行间体会它含义(三)



17. to be in the hot seat:to be under lots of pressure or in a difficult position(处于困境,面对很多压力)

He has resigned from his job because he has been in the hot seat for years. (由于不堪多年的工作压力,他终于辞职了。)

When testifies before Congress, he will be in the hot seat. (在国会作证的时候,他将面临巨大的压力。)

18. to make waves:to make trouble (惹是生非, 与"rock the boat"意思相近)

Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media.(许多政客为了能在媒体上路脸儿而不惜哗众取宠。)

Teenagers tend to make waves with their parents and teachers. (一些青少年总是会给父母和老师惹麻烦。)

19. to keep (one's) nose clean:to keep away from trouble(远离是非,少惹麻烦)

The newly released inmates are trying to keep their noses clean. (刚刚获释的犯人总是尽量少惹是非。)

A law-abiding person needs to keep his (her) nose clean.(奉公守法的人应该避免制造麻烦。)

20. to drive (someone) up the wall:to annoy or upset someone(惹人生气或者不高兴)

The boy is driving his mother up the wall because of his ill behavior. (这个不听话的孩子让他妈妈大为头痛。)

If you ask too many questions, you may drive your boss up the wall. (假如你的问题太多也会让你的老板很反感。)

21. to write (someone or something)off:to throw away or to discard(抛弃或者丢弃);

to deduct a business loss(在经商失败时,也用于报销、注销或扣除损失的数额中)

After a hot argument, she wrote off her boyfriend. (她和男朋友大吵了一架之后,就把他甩了。)

He will write off the charitable contributions from his income taxes. (他从所得税中扣除了慈善募捐的金额。)

22. to take up with (someone):to date someone or to fall in love with someone(对某人产生兴趣,或与某人开始亲密交往)

After he met her at the bar, he took up with her. (自从在酒吧见过一面之后,他对她产生了兴趣。)

As she is such a pretty woman, many men would like to take up with her. (像她这么漂亮的女人,许多男人都对她有兴趣。)

24. to pave the way to (or for):to make the path or to lay a groundwork of something (为…… 铺平道路或为……做好准备)

A good education will pave the way to finding a decent job. (好的教育是好的工作的基础。)

Early space exploration has paved the way for the current space station. (早期的太空探索为如今的太空站建设奠定了基础。)

25. to paint the town red:to enjoy oneself; to have a good time(尽情享受)

He is going out tonight to paint the town red. (他今天晚上要玩个痛快。)

Miss Chen really painted the town red last week with her friends. (陈小姐上周和朋友玩得很尽兴。)
