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Dear Allen,

[1] I just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion of your plans for the future. I hope you won't take offense, but will accept what I say here as some fatherly advice.

[2] I was quite surprised when I read in your letter that you had decided not to finish your studies at the university. I realize that Peter wants you to marry him this summer. But with only one more year to go, you would be well advised to finish. A year is really a short time, and later you will be glad you postponed getting married.

[3] As you know, my reaction to Peter was extremely favorable when I met him. He's an exceptionally fine young man and should be a good husband. But I suggest you complete your education first.

[4] You are twenty-one, a grown-up young lady old enough to make up your own mind. This is something you'll have to work out yourself. As your uncle, I have always tried not to interfere in your affairs and I don't intend to begin now. But, my dear niece, please do consider my words very carefully before you decide. Whatever you do, though, Allen, you know I only want one thing for you, and that is your happiness.

Affectionately, Uncle John

★ well-advised /ill-advised =wise /unwise:明智的/不明智

例: You would be well-advised to stay at home today.

◆ ◆Dear Mr. Lee:

[1] Please accept my apology for not meeting you for lunch Tuesday. I had the appointment written on my calendar and was looking forward to the occasion, but somehow I got my days mixed up〖搞混〗and didn't realize the mistake until now. Please forgive me. I'll call you on Friday to see if we can reschedule〖重新安排〗our luncheon meeting at your convenience〖在你方便的时候〗.

[2] I'm eager to hear about the proposed Stone Project in more detail.

◆ ◆Dear Mr. Billet:

[1] Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith.

[2] As Ms. Smith has indicated〖暗示;表示〗on several previous occasions, we are very pleased with our present arrangements for printing and definitely will not be considering and other services in the foreseeable〖可预见的;可预知的〗future. Therefore, Ms. Smith has asked me to tell you that a meeting would not be helpful at this time.

[3] We appreciate your interest in our firm, however, and thank you for writing.


下面是一封商业交往中最常见的"询价信"(Letters of Inquiry):

◆ ◆Dear Sirs,

[1] We have seen your advertisement in Chinese Arts and Crafts〖手工艺〗and are interested in Chinese Folding Fans〖中国折扇〗.

[2] Will you please send us your catalogue〖商品目录〗and full details of your export prices and terms of payment〖付款条件〗, together with any samples you can let us have?

[3] If your prices are competitive〖有竞争力;便宜〗, we believe we can place regular orders〖长期订货〗with you.

[4] We look forward to receiving your reply.
