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地道美语:no hard feelings 不怀恨在心


常与朋友或者同事产生一些磨擦是很正常的,但千万不能由此而怀恨在心。在英文中,如果人们不记仇,我们可以用no hard feelings这个片语来形容他们。

Jenny and I have no hard feelings toward each other even though we often debate vehemently.


片语no hard feelings的意思是“不记仇恨,不怀恨在心”。Hard 在片语中的意思是“严酷的,严厉的”,从字面上看,整个片语就是指“没有严厉的情绪、情感”,这不正是“不记仇恨,不怀恨在心的意思吗?” The idiom used to tell someone that you do not want to be angry with them or for them to be angry with you. 注意此用法中的feeling一般都使用其复数形式。

He insisted he has no hard feelings toward his teacher who had criticized him for mistakes in his test paper.


有时,我们在和别人争论过后,也用have no hard feelings向对方表示我们没有怀恨在心。

小时候我的家庭并不富裕,虽然自己不能像邻居孩子一样有很多的玩具和零用钱,但我对父母并不怀恨在心(have no hard feelings),因为我知道,家里并没有什么钱,仅能糊口而矣。对了,在英文中“仅能糊口”可以用片语live from hand to mouth来表示。比如:

My family never had much money when I was a child. Although we always lived from hand to mouth, I had no hard feelings toward my parents.


句中的片语live from hand to mouth意思是“仅能糊口,勉强维持生活”。从字面上理解,这个片语是指“手上一有食物就立刻吃进嘴里”,用来比喻“家庭并不富裕,所得收入仅能维持眼前的生活所需”,所以我们直接翻译为“仅能糊口”。To live from hand to mouth means to have only just enough money to buy food. For example:

Ten years ago, He was a teacher to live from hand to mouth. Now the situation is changed for he is teaching at a private school in our capital.


结束语:小时候父母常因为家庭的收入仅能维持眼前的生活(live from hand to mouth)而发生争吵,但我知道他们并不对彼此怀恨在心(have no hard feelings)。
