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因为穷的缘故,总想遇到吃了饭而不付钱的好事。昨天朋友就请我吃了顿饭, 本以为他会大方的把账给结了,不料饭局接近尾声时,他接到一个电话后说有急事,就留下我付账了。想来这一招还算灵光。

Tom invited me to have dinner last night. As the dinner drawn to its close, he suddenly told me that he must run because of something emergent. He had stiffed me.


这里有一个新的片语,stiff someone.意思是未付给某人应得的钱,即我们常说的不付钱就开溜的意思。If you stiff someone, then you hurried to another place without paying money you have to pay. In most situations, you didn’t do it on purpose.这个片语是新出现的表达,多用于你当有急事而忘记了付账的情况,而从主观上讲,你也许并不是故意的。再看另一个例子:

The play has begun. Jumping out of the tax, Tom stiffed the taxi driver and hurried to the ticket office.


如果一个人说好请客吃饭,饭局结束前,他突然开溜,留下一个独自的你付账,这时你除了说他stiff you外也可以说他让你做收尾工作。

After having had dinner, my girlfriend always leaves me holding the bag. I must sweep the floor and wash dishes.


这里leave someone holding the bag又是一个新的片语,意思是“让人代为负责收尾”。从字面上看,他的意思是说留下某人收拾包裹,所以很形象的比喻为“让某人做收尾工作”。需要注意的是这个片语中hold始终使用的是ing形式。比如:

It’s time to knock off,but there are still lots of work to do. Suddenly, Tom tells me that he must go home and deal with some important private cases. He does it again to leave me holding the bag.


结束语:今天我们学习了两个比较新的片语,一个是stiff someone意思是“未付钱就开溜,没有付给某人应得的钱”,往往用于一些不是出于主观目的的情况下。另一个片语是leave someone holding the bag,意思是“让某人负责做收尾工作”。我讨厌这种人,因为这样表明了他并不尊重你。
