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trouble有一个很好用的合成词:troublemaker ,意为"制造麻烦的人"。

Kim's Note: Americans love this word. Policemen, teachers and bosses especially love this word to describe anyone who causes problems frequently.

37. There is always a troublemaker in every class!


38. Li Yang has always been a troublemaker.


39. Don't be a troublemaker!


40. That damn Li Yang is such a hooligan. He's been a troublemaker in this town for years!




我们的"三最法"和"一口气训练法"不但适用于短文,也同样适用于句子,把这40句话一口气念下来,看看你是否可以超越李阳老师的记录! 【我比李阳强!我的疯狂英语"三最"训练记录为: 秒】

【我比李阳强!我的疯狂英语"一口气"训练记录为: 口气】

Kim's Note:

The reason we have so many sentences for trouble is really very simple. Everyone has trouble in life and everyone knows what trouble is! One way to make your troubles seem lighter is to talk about them. Now you can talk about them in English. So, if one of your troubles was learning English, you can kill two birds with one stone(一石二鸟). Don't be troubled by how many sentences there are, just get busy learning them. When you can speak good English your troubles will be few!
