
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


你有辆好车呀! You have a nice car.You have a nice car. (你有辆好车呀!)It's brand-new. (这可是辆新车呀。) 在哪儿买的? Where did you buy it? 是在K店买的。I bought it at the K store. 在特别降价的时候。It was on sale. *on sale是“降价,减价,甩卖”;for sale是“正在出售的,出售的”。两种用法不同,注意不要混淆。你看上去真好/真帅。You look nice.You look good.You look pretty. (你真可爱。)You look great! 对你正合适。It looks nice on you. *look nice on...“合适……”,“看上去很适合……”。A) How does it look? (你看怎么样?)B) It looks nice on you. (对你正合适。)*A正在试衣服。这得归功于您呀!All the credit goes to you. *credit“功绩”、“功劳”、“名誉”。It's a big hit! (这是一个巨大的成功!)All the credit goes to you. (这完全都得归功于您呀!)You deserve all the credit. 非常出色! Brilliant! *有了让人吃惊的主意或解决了问题时使用。What do you think of my proposal? (您认为我的提案怎么样?)It's brilliant! (非常出色!)That's brilliant! 真是个男子汉! What a man!
