
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Situation: Ed is calling Vincent, his old college buddy, to invite him to dinner.
情境: 艾德打电话给他大学时代的同学文生,邀请他吃晚餐。

Ed: Hello, may I speak to Vincent?
艾德: 喂,请问文生在吗?

Vincent: Hello, this is Vincent.
文生: 喂,我就是。

Ed: This is Ed, from NYU. How are you?
艾德: 我是纽约大学毕业的艾德。你好吗?

Vincent: You're kidding! I'm fine. Long time no see. Where are you?
文生: 开玩笑!我好得很。 好久不见。你现在在哪儿?

Ed: Downtown. We're here celebrating the holidays and wondered if you'd join us for dinner.
艾德: 在市中心。 我们在这欢度假期,不知道你是否可以和我们一起吃晚餐。

Vincent: Wouldn't miss it for the world. What night do you have in mind?
文生: 绝不会错过的。 你打算哪个晚上去吃呢?

Ed: How about either Friday or Saturday?
艾德: 礼拜五或礼拜六怎么样?

Vincent: Saturday is great. I know a perfect place. It's called the Brown Derby.
文生: 礼拜六好了。 我知道一家很棒的餐厅,叫作Brown Derby。

Ed: Fine. Does seven o'clock work for you?
艾德: 好啊。七点方便吗?

Vincent: It's a date.
文生: 一言为定。
