
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



 Robbie: Hi, Mom.

    Ellen: Hi, Robbie You're home from school early.

    Robbie: Yeah, they're getting the assembly hall ready for the graduation ceremony, so we all got to go home early. Too noisy to study.

    Ellen: Well, now that you're here, you can help me with dinner. I need those potatoes peeled and sliced.

    Robbie: Mom, give me a break Alexandra's coming over to help me study for my math final.

    Ellen: Well, in that case, you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner.

    Robbie: Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner?

    Ellen: Of course.

    Robbie: Thanks, Mom.

    Ellen: You an Alexandra have become good friends, haven't you?

    Robbie: Yes. I like her.She's a terrific person. I'm going to miss her when she goes back to Greece.

    Ellen: Would you like to give her a little farewell party?

    Robbie: Mom, that would be terrific! Maybe we could make it a surprise.

    Ellen: Oh, I don't know. Surprise parties don't always work out.

    Robbie: Well, we could tell her it's a graduation party for me. When Alexandra arrives, we'll surprise her.

    Ellen: Well, I suppose that might work.

    Robbie: I'd like to give her a nice going-away present.

    Ellen: Fine.

    Robbie: There's only one problem.

    Ellen: What's that?

    Robbie: I'm broke. I should have saved some money.

    Ellen: I'm sure Alexandra would be happy with something simple, Robbie.

    Robbie: I know. But, well, I'd like to give her something nice to remember me by. Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad.

    Ellen: It's all right with me if it's all right with your dad.

    Robbie: Thanks, Mom. I'll talk to him. Is he still in his office?

    Ellen: I think so.

    Robbie: Thanks, Mom.

    Ellen: Robbie! Good luck!

    Molly: Here are the X-rays you wanted , Dr. Stewart.

    Philip: Oh. Thank you, Molly. Now, let me check them.

    Molly: What do you think?

    Philip: I don't see any breaks or fractures. Well, well. Thank you, Molly.

    Molly: Thank you.

    Philip: Come in! Hi, Son.

    Robbie: Hi, Dad. Am I interrupting you?

    Philip: No, no, no, no,. What's up?

    Robbie: Can we talk?

    Philip: Sure.

    Robbie: I need some help.

    Philip: Well, that's what fathers are for.

    Robbie: Well, before I go to college, I have the whole summer……

    Philip: Yes……

    Robbie: And I'm planning to get a job for the summer.

    Philip: And What sort of job?

    Robbie: I applied for a job as a lifeguard at the community pool.

    Philip: Sounds pretty good.

    Robbie: Yes. I'll be earning pretty good money if I get it. But right now, I'm kind of short of cash.

    Philip: Who isn't?

    Robbie: And my friend Alexandra is going to Greece……

    Philip: Nice girl. We'll all miss her.

    Robbie: Mom says we can her a going-away surprise party.

    Philip: Good idea.

    Robbie: And I'd like to get her a nice gift……

    Philip: What'd you have in mind?

    Robbie: Well, a wristwatch, so she'll think of me when she looks at the time. Nothing flashy or expensive. Something simple-but a good one.

    Philip: Sounds fine, Robbie.

    Robbie: Well, I saw a nice watch. But I'll need a loan. If you could lend me the money, I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary.

    Philip: Well, I guess your mother and I can manage it. When do you need the money?

    Robbie: Would tomorrow be OK?

    Philip: You've got it.

    Robbie: Thanks, Dad.

    Philip: My pleasure, Son. Oh, and, Robbie……

    Robbie: Yes?

    Philip: You'll probably want the family car so you can drive her home after the party.

    Robbie: Could I?

    Philip: If you drive carefully.

    Robbie: I will. Thanks, Dad.

    Philip: My pleasure.

    Robbie: You're OK, Dad.

    Philip: You're not so bad yourself, Son.
