
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Linda: OK. If you want to adopt an animal, first we need to know some references.

    Robbie: References? People we know?

    Linda: Friends, teachers…… We need to talk to some people about you We want to be sure that you're responsible and that you can take good care of an animal. Then you have to till out this form about your family background.

    Robbie: Is that it?

    Linda: No, there's more. We need to know about your history with animals. Have you ever owned an animal?

    Robbie: Yes. We had a cat when I was eight years old. I love cats.

    Linda: Do you have any animals now?

    Robbie: Umfortunately,no.

    Alexcandra: Anything else?

    Linda: We also lide to know your reasons for wanting an animal.

    Alexcandra: Just to hold it and cuddle with it. Just to have as a pet I love animals.

    Robbie: To have a friend-a pal. You know, man's best friend is his dog.

    Linda: And one thing more. If you're under twenty-one years of age……

    Robbie: That's me.

    Linda: Then an adult must sign for you.

    Alexandra: Uh-oh.

    Robbie: No problem.My parents will think it's a good idea. I'll be back with them.

    Alexandra: If the real owners don't come to claim Gemma……

    Linda: After forty-eight huors. But please call first.

    Robbie: Thanks for your information and for being so helpful.

    Linda: It's my pleasure. Nice talking to both of you.

    Robbie: Thanks again. Bye.

    Alexandra: Maybe the real owners will come to claim her.

    Robble: Her eyes look so sad. She must really miss them.

    Linda: I see you're both animal lovers

    Robbie: We are.

    Alexandra: Good-bye, Miss Aborn. We'll call in a couple of days.

    Linda: Good-bye, and thanks for bringing Gemma in.

    Robbie: Bye.

    Alexandra: I keep thinking about the dog-about Gemma, alone in the animal shelter.

    Robbie: I know. But I promse you, Alexandra, the dog is just fine.They're very kind to the animals.

    Alexandra: I know they are. I mean about her being alone. Even if they are kind to Gemma, she's still alone, without her family

    Waiter: Ready, folks?

    Robbie: Are you ready, Alexandra?

    Alexandra: Yes, I'm ready. I'll have the chefs salad, please.

    Robbie: I will have a cheeseourger, medium rare, with raw onion, and French fries, please.

    Waiter: Anything to drink?

    Alexandra: A diet cola, please.

    Robbie: Ginger ale with lots of ice for me, thank you.

    Waiter: I've got it. Thanks.

    Robbie: Aren't you surprised that the animal shelter is so careful about finding homes for the animals?

    Alexandra: No, I'm not.

    Waiter: And a cheeseburger, medium rare, with onion and French fries .And a ginger ale with lots of ice. Salad dressing?

    Robbie: Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system when the dog scratched on the front door.Let's finish eating, and then we'll go back to my house. I want you to hear my new tapes. I've got some areat new dance music.

    Robbie: Hell.Stewart residence.

    Linda: Hello. Is Robbie Stewart there?

    Robbie: This is he. Who's this?

    Linda: This is Linda Aborn from the animal shelter.

    Robbie: It's Linda from the animal shetter. Yes, Linda. Hi.

    Linda: We have good news and bad news, Robbie.

    Robbie: Oh?

    Linda: The good news is that the Levinsons have come by to pick up the dog. The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog.

    Robbie: That's OK.

    Linda: Come by one day and look at some of the other dogs. I'm suer there's one for you. Thanks, Robbie. And the Levinsons thank you for bringing their dog to us.

    Robbie: Thanks, Linda. Bye.

    Alexandra: The owners clairned Gemma?

    Robbie: That's right.

    Alexandra: I'm glad for the dog.

    Robbie: I guess I am , too. She said if I come by, She'll help me fine another dog.

    Alexandra: Come on .Let's dance.
