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147 Let Experience Be the Teacher
It has often been said that there's no better teacher than experience. So how does a student of English learn the language through experience? Obviously,to “experience” English, you'll have to use it as often as possible. That is why more and more teachers use role plays, dramas and field trips to teach English. What you see, hear and feel will more likely stick in your mind than what you read in a book.
Should you have the opportunity to take part in a school drama one day,you will probably try to memorize your lines to perfection. If you are anything of an actor,you will probably say your lines with emotion. In other words,you may “experience” the use of the language as it is really used in everyday life. So if I were you, I would let experience be the teacher.
My father has a lot of experience in carpentry, so he can make furniture. 经验(不可数)
I went to Disneyland last summer and experienced thirlling
as often as possible = as often as you can
role model 模范
含有 should,were,had 的虚拟,都可以用倒装,省略 if
