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104. Who Cares Anyway? P.214

One student is testing another student's common knowledge.

A: What's the tallest building in the world?

B: The Shanghai World Financial Center. Of course.

A: What's the longest river in the world?

B: In fact, there are two – the Nile and the Amazon.

A: How do you know? Did someone have them measured?

B: Well, yes and no. They measured the rivers, but it's hard to tell where they begin.

A: Oh, I see. Tell me then. Who's the tallest basketball player?

B: I don't know.

A: Hah! It's Michael Jordan. He's the greatest.

B: He may be the greatest, but he certainly isn't the tallest.

A: Ok. Who cares anyway?

B: Then stop asking me all these stupid questions.

care about = concern about 关切       care for —— love, like very much

We care about our envirnment.

common knowledge 学校里学的常识    common sense 生活常识        vinegar醋  detergent清洁剂

build up your energy 增加体力

the Nile (River 可省略)     the Himalayas (Mountain Range可省略)

vital line 生命线     source 源头

I don't have the foggiest idea. = I have no idea.

foggy  foggiest  有雾的   windy 有风的

What's the big deal. 有什么了不起呀

to ask me an interesting question = to ask an interesting question of me
